New Moon March 26 2009 11.06 am EST Washington, DC
New Moon March 26 2009 11.06 am EST Washington, DC
Mars conjunct Neptune March 7
Sun opposite Saturn March 8
Sun conjunct Uranus March 12
Sun enters Pisces March 14
Mercury opposite Saturn March 18
Mercury conjunct Uranus March 21
Mercury enters Pisces March 22
Jupiter enters Dhanista March 22
Sun square Pluto March 23
New Moon; Sun conj Venus March 26
Mercury square Pluto March 27
Sun conjunct Mercury March 30
The New Moon that will govern much of March occurred on February 24. In Washington, this chart features a very strong conjunction of Mercury, Jupiter and Rahu in close aspect to the ascendant. Mercury and Jupiter combined suggests successful communication or intelligence and may be connected with optimism and solving problems. The presence of Rahu (North Node) complicates this picture somewhat, since it is associated with transgression and disruption of the norms. March may therefore be marked by some kind of innovation or new way of thinking that could be both upsetting and promising. Venus is also closely aspected by Ketu (South Node) and this may herald some kind disturbance or sense of separation around notions of art, femininity or money, which are the central significations of Venus. Saturn in the 12th house might be a potential marker for the overall sense of loss and misery that many people are feeling in light of the deepening economic slowdown.
As the Sun, Mercury and Mars all transit Aquarius, each of these fast moving bodies will make opposition aspects with Saturn in Leo. The contact of the inner planets with Saturn serve to spread the often dark and sober Saturnian energy that emphasizes the role of restraint, structure, and loss in our lives. Certainly, the hardship of the current recession is more evident now as the layoffs, loss of wealth, and postponed dreams begin to hit home and pervade the public consciousness.
The March New Moon in Pisces occurs on the 26th and features the Sun and Moon in the 10th house of government. Leaders and government action will be in focus in the subsequent four weeks, although the close aspect from Ketu makes us wonder if actions may be sudden and unexpected somehow. More generally, there may be an unsettled quality to late March and April, and society may become more preoccupied with escapist or perhaps spiritual issues. Mars is placed in the 9th house in this chart for Washington so that can indicate conflictive situation with a foreign power. The possiblity of overseas distractions is also supported by Pluto in the 7th house, and it is in tense aspect with a fallen Mercury. This may mean that there are issues surrounding misleading (Pisces) information (Mercury) having to do with foreign countries that leads to some kind of standoff (Pluto).
On March 6, the planet Venus begins its once every 18 month retrograde cycle that will see the planet of love and money move backward in the sky for a period of six weeks before it resumes its forward motion once again. The retrograde station occurs at 21 degrees of Pisces (Lahiri) in the nakshatra of Revati. According to Vedic myths, Revati is associated with prosperity and trade when it is unafflicted. The retrograde period of Venus is considered inauspicious for most Venusian matters such as love, art, beauty and money. Of course, we need to perhaps clarify what "inauspicious" means. It means a break with or deviation from the norm, so that conventions may be flaunted or detours are taken that are at odds with social expectations. This may mean that sexual or romantic developments are noteworthy for their unusualness. Or artistic matters that emerge at this time have a bizarre or weird overtone. Another manifestation of Venus retrograde energy may be that art and beauty are seen through a nostalgic (literally "retro") lens so that old time ways are appreciated.
This Venus retrograde cycle has the potential for greater degree of peculiarity because the station will occur in close 6th house aspect to the planet Saturn at 24 Leo. As a malefic planet, Saturn tends to distort and demean the planetary energies it influences, especially when in tense aspect. The 6th house aspect is definitely tense, so the darker side of Venus in Revati will tend to come to the surface at this time. Sex or beauty will be used as a means to an end, or art will be used to shock or ingratiate. Trade and business affairs may not produce profit or may have a strong Saturnian element to them, such as long term responsiblities, or indebtedness.
On March 21, the Moon and Jupiter will conjoin on his natal ascendant at 23 Capricorn and this is likely to coincide with a time of confidence and happiness for him. It may reflect a successful outcome to one of his initiatives. Interestingly, Mercury will conjoin Uranus at 29 Aquarius on this day, and this will exactly aspect his Mars. This suggests a tense and potentially dangerous dimension to this time window, although the Jupiter would tend to soften the impact of this more harsh combination.
March may be a time of change for Inda as transiting Ketu conjoins the natal Mercury in the independence chart. This can indicate new or secret information coming to light that change perceptions. Also transiting Jupiter will conjoins the midheaven so government and leaders will figure more prominently at this time. This is a favourable influence so there may be a sense of accomplishment or gains in status as a result of efforts made.
We can expect some kind of fortunate or happy event near March 10 when the Sun is aspected by natal Jupiter. The period of March 12 -16 seems particularly volatile as transiting Mars will be aspecting natal Rahu and the ascendant. There may be an increased likelihood of a major violent incident, either through aggression or accident.
The underlying assumption of astrology is that the position of the planets at birth is a discernible pattern against which future developments can be read. This principle may also apply to the start of new projects, new companies, new relationships, and new ideas. However, the selection of auspicious dates to begin a new endeavour is rarely straightfoward since the time of day will determine the position of the angles, and hence the orientation of houses. These are at least as important as the geometric patterns between the planets themselves and hence, apparently "good" astrological days can deliver bad results and vice versa. As always, astrology is not an exact science. With that caveat in mind, here are a few dates that stand out this month. New things begun on auspicious dates will tend to work out according to plan, while projects started on inauspicious dates may have disappointing results.
Auspicious Dates: March 12, 16, 28
Inauspicious Dates: March 8, 18, 23