March 6, 2025

Canadian PM Justin Trudeau resigns

(8 January 2025) The post-Covid political wave against incumbent governments claimed another victim Monday as Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced his resignation.  Trudeau and his Liberal government have consistently lagged the Conservatives in polls over the past two years, hitting a record low 18% support in the past month.  Canadians have become worried about the direction of the country as unprecedented levels of mass immigration has brought skyrocketing housing costs, longer wait times in hospitals and increased stress on transportation infrastructure.  Higher taxes and rising crime have only added to the sense of frustration with Trudeau, who seemed indifferent to the economic plight of ordinary Canadians preferring to focus on his woke agenda of gender rights, climate change, and the denigration of traditional Canadian culture. With the government bound by law to call an election no later than October 2025, the Liberal caucus essentially forced him out in order to have any hope of staving off electoral oblivion.

While the writing had been on the wall for some time, Trudeau’s exit is clearly seen in both his natal horoscope and the horoscope of his leadership of the Liberal party.  The main culprits are, as usual, the malefic planets.  Saturn (20 Aquarius) is in a near-exact square with Mercury (19 Scorpio) and reflected setbacks and losses related to work (Mercury) as well as income and wealth through Mercury’s rulership of the 11th and 2nd houses.  It is worth noting that Saturn was exactly square Mercury (within just five minutes of arc) in mid-December when Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland announced her surprise resignation citing fundamental policy differences with Trudeau .  This was the final straw for Trudeau’s premiership as the previously loyal Freeland realized that he had become a political liability to the party and needed to go.

By itself, the Saturn-Mercury square only reflected the lack of progress in the current moment.  At least equally important was the conjunction of Rahu (7 Pisces)  to his natal Mars (6 Pisces).  The transiting Rahu is part of a larger degreewise alignment involving transiting Mars (5 Cancer) and transiting Pluto (7 Capricorn).  All three of this potentially malefic influences activated the negative energy of Trudeau’s 8th house Mars.  Mars in the 8th often corresponds to setbacks and embarrassments whenever it comes under transit affliction by malefics as is the case here.  Moreover, Mars is the ruler of 9th house Aries and thus is 12th from the 10th house signifying loss of employment and status.

What’s especially intriguing is that his resignation came when Mars was opposite Pluto within two degrees, while Trudeau was born with Mars opposite Pluto, also within two degrees! Certainly, the fact that the Mars-Pluto opposition aligned with his natal Mars made this influence stronger, but the echo of his natal alignment may have further magnified the life-changing impact of this double affliction.  The Mars-Pluto opposition suggests an awareness of the dynamics of power and domination that can work both for and against the native.  In this case, the greater tension implied by the opposition may have finally worked against Trudeau as the karmic promise of the Machiavellian nature of his Mars-Pluto came back to haunt him.

In addition, Ketu (7 Virgo) formed a near-exact 120-degree/5th house aspect to his natal Saturn, in the 10th house of status.  Saturn is situated just four degrees from Trudeau’s Midheaven/MC, or 10th house cusp.  Taken together, this pairing is an important marker for his career and status which came under stress through Ketu’s aspect.  Ketu is natural malefic which tends to undermine conventional and material dimensions of life in favour of spiritual or hidden qualities.  While not always negative, Ketu’s aspects often bring change and unexpected developments and can undermine typical aspirations that we all have towards ego aggrandizement and public acclaim. Trudeau enjoyed an almost cult of personality status within the party after he rescued it from the political wilderness in 2013.  But Ketu’s anti-ego and renunciatory influence on his 10th house Saturn pushed Trudeau off his pedestal and finally broke his charismatic spell.

Liberal Party leadership chart

Justin Trudeau’s chart of the leadership of the Liberal Party of Canada is also afflicted at the moment.  Trudeau became leader of the party in 2013, two years before winning his first election.  Like his natal chart, the leadership horoscope is also under heavy stress from malefics.  Arguably the most important planet in the chart is Mercury, which rules the 1st house/lagnesh symbolizing the party as a whole and the 10th house, representing his status and power.  Mercury (7 Pisces) is now in an exact conjunction with Rahu (7 Pisces) and thus invokes the wider alignment with Mars (5 Cancer) and Pluto (7 Capricorn).  Since Mercury is under intense pressure from this unholy trinity of planets, it is not surprising that Trudeau would resign his leadership position at this time.

In addition, we can see that Saturn (20 Aquarius) is exactly square his Moon-Jupiter conjunction (20-22 Taurus).   Whatever positive input there was from the conjunction from transiting Jupiter over the past two months (18 Taurus), it is now diminishing since it has moved past exact conjunction.  Transiting Mars (5 Cancer) also forms a close square alignment with Venus (5 Aries) suggesting conflict and disharmony.

As retrograde Mars continues to move backwards in the sky, it will form tense alignments with the Sun-Mars conjunction at 1 Aries.  Trudeau could come under greater criticism and frustration around the time this is exact on January 15-18.   Certainly, Trudeau has already come under intense criticism for the timing of his resignation, as Trump’s damaging tariffs on Canadian imports could go into effect as soon as January 20.  Trudeau’s decision to prorogue (i.e. suspend) Parliament until March 24 to give time for the Liberals can conduct a leadership race is also seen a putting party above country at a time of economic crisis.  That period around Jan 15-18 also corresponds to a Sun-Mars opposition which will form a double whammy against the Sun-Mars conjunction in the leadership chart.  It will likely be an intensely difficult time for him and his party.

Political Forecast

Justin Trudeau’s political fortunes are likely to worsen in the coming months.  Key in this respect is the approach of the Saturn-Neptune conjunction at 7 Pisces.  This is a very difficult influence that is likely to bring disappointment, sadness and confusion.  The conjunction will occur just one degree past Trudeau’s 8th house Mars at 6 Pisces and exactly on his Mercury at 7 Pisces in the leadership chart.  But since he has already resigned, what could this represent?

Most obviously, it seems likely to coincide with a defeat of his Liberal party in a federal election.  Many observers are expecting an election sometime between May and July given that the Liberals will once again face the House in late March after the end of prorogation, presumably with a new leader.  Unless some last-ditch coalition can be struck with the NDP, the Liberals will lose a non-confidence vote in late March or early April.

Of course, Trudeau will not be leader for this late spring election (or will he?) but he will be widely blamed for the loss if the Liberals are defeated.  The Saturn-Neptune conjunction atop his Mars (and Mercury) will be a reflection of his loss of reputation as Canadians finally get to have their say about his government.  The intensity of the Saturn-Neptune conjunction suggests the Liberals won’t just lose, they will lose badly and probably not even become the official opposition.  Indeed, recent poll projections show them in fourth place, behind the Conservatives, the Bloc Quebecois and the NDP.   This kind of humiliating defeat is very possible given the level of affliction in Trudeau’s charts.

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