January 11, 2025


written articles

Mercury turns retrograde on Canada’s Justin Trudeau

(4 March 2019)  It may be a good time to get your ducks in a row -- just in case.  Mercury, the...

Jupiter (and Fed policy) drive gold price higher

(22 February 2019) With all the talk about the economy slowing down and the possibility of a recession, it may be a...

Archive 2018

The following are my weekly astrological commentaries on some of the major events of 2018. They are listed in reverse chronological order. Click...

Markets tread water ahead of possible second US shutdown

(11 February 2019) The dysfunction of the US government is again on display this week with the approach of another shutdown ...

After shutdown defeat, Trump prepares for SOTU on February 5

(29 January 2019) The chaotic presidency of Donald Trump has now entered its third, and possibly final, year.  Last week, the US...

Jay Powell blinks: markets rally after Fed Chair’s dovish comments

(15 January 2019) Financial markets are looking a bit more stable now after the Federal Reserve seemed...

Beware the bear: how 2019 may be a repeat of 1937

(7 January 2019) The New Year got off to a positive start for most global stocks as...

US government shutdown hammers markets

(25 December 2018) The US government shutdown is just the latest development to sideswipe the stock market.  The month of December ...

The Fed’s Jay Powell: Santa or Scrooge?

(17 December 2018)  All eyes are on Federal Reserve Chair Jay Powell this week.  Given recent volatility...

Markets plunge on arrest of Huawei CFO; Trump’s endgame looms

(10 December 2018) One big reason for my interest in financial markets is because they offer a unique window on collective sentiment...

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