September 19, 2024

Biden debate disaster sparks panic among Democrats

(28 June 2024)  The Democratic party is in full panic mode today after President Joe Biden’s poor debate performance has raised questions about his viability as the nominee.  Facing off against Republican nominee Donald Trump, Biden’s cognitive decline was on full display last night as he stumbled and mumbled his way through the debate.  A growing number of pro-Biden mainstream media voices are now openly calling for him to step aside.

Biden’s disastrous debate was not surprising given the state of his horoscope.  As I noted back on May 18 when the debate was announced, Biden’s chart suggested that he would not do well.  Transiting Mars (19 Aries) was exactly opposite his natal Mars (19 Libra), while Saturn was conjunct his unequal 4th house cusp — and thus opposite the MC — at 26 Aquarius. The potential damage to Biden was further increased since Saturn is due to station retrograde on that point tomorrow, June 29.  As a general rule, stationary planets are more powerful. I also thought that Trump would fare better in the debate as his chart looked stronger given the Uranus conjunction to his MC/10th house cusp and its sextile to his Venus-Saturn conjunction.

It now seems more likely that Biden will be forced to step aside for another candidate.  But who?  California governor Gavin Newsom is the leading choice in political betting markets to replace Biden as his probability of becoming the nominee rose from just 6% before the debate to 20% today.  Biden still enjoys a 59% probability of winning the nomination, but that number has fallen 24% since the debate.

I think Newsom is now likely to be the Democratic nominee.  As I suggested in a post back on July 11, 2023, Newsom’s horoscope looks very strong this summer and especially on the final day of the Democratic convention on August 22.   Briefly stated, Mars is conjunct the MC/10th house cusp (=victorious in battle), Jupiter aspects the Sun (=success/rewards/higher status), Venus conjoins the Ascendant (=happiness), and the Sun conjoins Jupiter (=gains/rewards).   While I was ultimately uncertain whether Newsom’s chart might have reflected becoming the VP nominee or the Presidential nominee, it was clear that he would suddenly be thrust into the limelight at the convention.  Given Biden’s debate setback, it seems more likely that Newsom’s rise to prominence in August will manifest as his nomination for president.  Anything can happen, of course, and other scenarios are possible.  But vice-president Kamala Harris has little support and is unlikely to be chosen by the party.  Michele Obama is another possibility, but she has no political experience.  Hillary Clinton has also been mentioned.

If it is Newsom on August 22, then Donald Trump will have his hands full in the campaign.  Newsom’s chart looks very strong in November — at least as strong as Trump’s.  While I haven’t yet made up my mind who is more likely to win the presidency, Newsom definitely changes the equation.  One thing is for sure: the 2024 US presidential campaign is shaping up to be one for the ages.


Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore

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