February 23, 2025

Queen Elizabeth II 1926-2022

(9 September 2022) The death of Queen Elizabeth II marks the end of an era.  As the world’s longest serving monarch, her 70-year reign spanned many historic changes in Britain, from the fragile post-war rebuilding period, the end of Empire and de-colonization, the economic troubles of the 1970s, right up to the emergence of the new interconnected, globalized order in the 21st century.  A beloved figure both at home and abroad, the Queen was cherished as a national symbol of stability and tradition throughout these often tumultuous times.

Her horoscope is a remarkable one.   She was born with two very strong angular planets — Ketu rising on the Ascendant in Sagittarius and Saturn on the Midheaven (10th house cusp). Saturn on the Midheaven is a perfect planetary signature of a life devoted to responsibility, duty and service.  At its core, Saturn represents self-sacrifice for a higher purpose.  For many less extraordinary people, a strong Saturn often manifests as religious devotion as the individual finds self-expression and solace within an established spiritual community.  In her case, serving the British people through the institution of the monarchy was her higher purpose.

The influence of Ketu (South Lunar Node) can also mark a highly spiritual and intuitive person.  While the Queen was the nominal head of the Church of England, this Ketu placement on her Ascendant suggests that she was likely a deeply religious person, above and beyond the public optics of her usual weekly church attendance.

She was also famous for being the wealthiest woman in the world.  Not surprisingly, she was born with Mars in close conjunction with Jupiter in the 2nd house of wealth and assets.  Mars-Jupiter conjunctions tend to be favourable for the affairs of the house they occupy.

What is especially striking about this Mars-Jupiter placement is that it fell exactly on the equal 2nd house cusp at 28-29 Capricorn. While Jupiter is said to be debilitated (i.e. weakened) in the sign of Capricorn, this effect is completely nullified by the presence of Mars in its highest degree of exaltation at 28 Capricorn. Taking the analysis a step further, we can also see that Jupiter, the ruler of the 1st house (Lagnesh) is conjunct the most powerful Mars one can imagine as it occupies its most exalted degree.  Clearly, this is the chart of a very prominent person and world leader.

Her chart was heavily afflicted at the time of her passing, however.  The Mars-Jupiter conjunction was conjunct transiting Saturn (26 Capricorn), with the fast-moving Moon acting as an additional trigger (27 Capricorn).   The transits of Neptune and Pluto were also difficult influences on her horoscope as both planets were aligned with her Ascendant and Midheaven within two degrees either side.  Among other things, Neptune is the planet of illness and its degreewise alignments with the Ascendant, Sun or Moon can diminish vitality and make individuals more vulnerable to disease.

Pluto is a planet associated with major life changes and transformation including everything from moving house/relocation to changing jobs to unfortunately, loss of life.  Pluto transits to the Ascendant, Sun and Moon therefore often coincide with new directions in life or major milestones.  Pluto’s conjunction with the Ascendant can be more difficult, however, especially in older people.  Of course, both Neptune and Pluto are slow-moving — barely 2 or 3 degrees per year — so it is difficult to exactly time the effects of their transits.  Nonetheless, their transits do introduce a broad time window in which their far-reaching effects are more likely to manifest.

Since we do not yet have the exact time of her death, it is more difficult to cast a chart for the reign of her successor, King Charles III.  Perhaps the time of his first statement (7.04 pm) as the new king could serve as the beginning of his reign.  In any event, I will post an analysis of his chart in the coming days as this information becomes more widely available.

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