Remember that you may also consult the reading for the zodiac sign of your Moon and ascendant.
So for example, if your Sun is in Libra, your Moon is in Sagittarius and your Ascendant is in Virgo, then the Libra, Sagittarius and Virgo readings listed here may all have a special relevance for you. To discover the sign of your Moon and ascendant, you can cast your sidereal chart using the free calculator at
Week of December 27th
Do opposites really attract? Or are they irreconcilable and best kept apart? The planetary situation this week may be an interesting case study of this question as Mars is in aspect with Saturn. Mars is a planet that symbolizes energy and action. It is the thing that gets us up off the couch and actually compels us to go out into the world, come what may. Soldiers, athletes and executives are the human embodiments of Mars because they assert their inner will through forceful and quick action.
Saturn, however, lies at the opposite end of the spectrum. Saturn is all about structure and responsibility and symbolizes order and control in the universe. In a perfect world, we would be free to do whatever we felt like whenever we felt like it. Well, Saturn reminds us that in the real world, there are always limits to our freedom. Farmers, servants and manual labourers are all represented by Saturn because their freedom is limited by the circumstances of society’s structures. If Mars equals speed, Saturn is typified by slowness and deliberation.
This week’s Mars-Saturn aspect will give us the opportunity to see how these two opposites are both necessary parts of the equation of life. The often raucous energy of Mars will be channeled through the strictures of Saturn. The emphasis may be on dedicated efforts here as we might find in the notion of ‘an honest day’s work’. They say hard work is good for you, and the bonus here may be that we get to work off all those extravagant holiday meals. While energy and stamina may be readily available, the potential risk in any Mars-Saturn aspect is for stress and agitation without a constructive outlet. Since Saturn is all about conventional forms of control, the best strategy may be to fall back on the tried-and-true. Use traditions to harness your creative impulses.
Very best holiday wishes to all,
Aries (Apr 13 – May 14) Slow and steady wins the race. This message may be heretical for an Aries to accept, but with a heavy Saturn influence this week, you may find yourself appreciating the role of incremental progress. Whenever responsibilities become burdensome, too often we feel frustrated and would rather throw then over in favour of a new start. But Saturn reminds us that the better strategy may be to accept our roles and press ahead knowing that efforts will be rewarded in good time.
Taurus (May 15 – June 14) If only things could be like this all the time! With Venus is shining its beautiful light this week you are likely going to be able to see the goodness in all people and things as the year winds down. Women are likely to figure more prominently here as you take pleasure in the feminine energy in its various guises. Take this opportunity to reflect upon what your life would be like without some notion of beauty and then feast your senses on its many manifestations in the here and now.
Gemini (June 15 – July 14) Forward, march! As Mercury wraps up its retrograde cycle this week, you may find some added impetus for getting the ball rolling — in a forward direction, that is. If you’ve been sorting through unfinished projects or a backlog at work, now may be a good time to chart a course towards something unfamiliar and perhaps more exciting in 2011. There is still no substitute for due diligence and solid planning, so take the time to have your ducks in a row before setting sail.
Cancer (July 15- Aug 14) Humans love rewards. As long as we know that there will be some benefit from our travails, we are willing to put up with quite a bit. As the Moon transits Saturn and then Venus this week, you may be reminded of the neatness of this system. All the hassles of hard work and demands on your time early in the week may give way to a more pleasant and comfortable state of contentment by the time Friday rolls around. A nice way to finish up 2010.
Leo (Aug 15 – Sep 15) As 2010 comes to a close, there’s a sparkle in your eye and maybe even a swagger in your step. As you receive an infusion of Jupiter’s optimism here, you may be seeing the world more for its opportunities than its obligations. It may even seem like there’s no time to lose as you are eager to break free from routine and look for people and places that bring out the best in you. While there’s no need to go overboard, this may be positive situation to considernew paths.
Virgo (Sep 16 – Oct 15) Is it safe to come out now? As Mercury ends its retrograde cycle this week, this may be a good time to put away all that old stuff and consider your options for pressing ahead in 2011. With Mars and Saturn doing their thing this week, the trick will be to find the right kind of energy for the tasks at hand. Mars will want to do everything quickly and all at once, while Saturn will want to draw up a long list of pros and cons and then do one thing at a time. Try to find the best of both approaches: action that follows a plan.
Libra (Oct 16 – Nov 14) Is beauty all it’s cracked up to be? I think it probably is, because a world without it is inconceivable: an ugly rose? This week you are likely to be reminded of the role of beauty and love in your life as Venus shines its light extra brightly. Amidst all the holiday socializing, you may find yourself reminded of the importance of friendship as your connections with others have a special poignancy. The self takes its cue from the other.
Scorpio (Nov 15 – Dec 14) According to the Stoic philosophers, the path to happiness lay in imagining an absence of something or someone in your life. They reasoned that the best way to feel happy was to consider what your life would be like without it. It’s good advice here as you may find yourself reflecting on the past year over the coming days. The most profound joys often come from things that we take most for granted. The older it is, the more precious it is.
Sagittarius (Dec 15 – Jan 13) Ring out the old, and ring in the new. As 2010 comes to a close, you may feel the change in the calendar more than usual as the planet Uranus is coming on extra strong for the Archer. This can mean that you feel the urge to purge or just find some new ways to entertain yourself. There’s no need to change just for change’s sake, but it is an energy that must manifest in some way. Turning over a new leaf has never felt so good — and so necessary.
Capricorn (Jan 14 – Feb 12) The goat may get some long overdue respect this week as the Moon transits your 9th and 10th houses. Your reliable demeanor and penchant for caution stands you in good stead here as you may become a kind of guru-figure, if only on a micro scale. Don’t be surprised if people come to you seeking out advice on the thornier questions of life, or just want to know where you got those shoes for half-price. Authority has its perks.
Aquarius (Feb 13 – Mar 12) Einstein once remarked that mathematical equations were beautiful. As the Moon and Venus transit your 9th house this week, you may be able to relate to this notion as knowledge takes on a wondrous and perhaps beautiful quality. Some of this knowledge may take the form of ethical principles that guide you to make the right decisions. Other knowledge may come from a cherished source, either in its ancient and traditional forms or perhaps through a particularly appealing person.
Pisces (Mar 13 – Apr 12) Freedom is one of the most powerful ideas in human history. Few ideas have inspired as much as the notion that all individuals require freedom to choose their own life path. As 2010 comes to a close, this week may see you reflecting upon how much freedom you need in your life. With the planet Uranus still conjoining Jupiter, you are likely to choose the path that gives you the most independence. But be mindful that more freedom means fewer bonds with others. As in everything, there are trade-offs to consider.