Week of February 21st
Sun-Mercury conjunction: I think, therefore I am

Week of February 21st
Sun-Mercury conjunction: I think, therefore I am
This is a good time to get some thinking done. The main aspect this week is the Sun-Mercury conjunction in sidereal Aquarius. The conjunction actually takes place on Friday but it will gather slowly enough that its influence may be felt for several days. In Vedic astrology, this combination is said to create an auspicious Budha Adhitya yoga. The joining of the King (Sun) with the Messenger (Mercury) produces knowledge and an organized state of affairs that can widely shared for the benefit of others.
In lay terms, the Sun represents the self or ego and Mercury symbolizes the analytical and communicative mind. Together, they can enhance mental focus and increase our need to communicate rules and order as we perceive it. This combination reflects a clever and shrewd mind, and one which calculates the pros and cons of a given course of action. Deductive thought processes are important here, often at the expense of emotions and creativity.
This is not to say that everyone will feel especially logical or rational this week, even those who are inclined that way in their natal charts. But it may reflect how unavoidable the logical approach to reality is here, as if the emotional or intuitive sides may not enjoy the same currency as they usually do. The Sun-Mercury conjunction may compel us to at least make reference to rationality or existing systems of order as a starting point, even if we may not fully agree with them. Since Mercury rules numbers and business efficiency, this nuts and bolts approach to problem solving may also be highlighted this week.
When this Sun-Mercury conjunction comes under pressure in the horoscope, we can get bogged down in excessive details or become too fussy about following rules or maintaining our routines. If you find yourself in this camp, it may be wise to take a break from the rational side of things, at least until you can gain some perspective. Since Mercury is said to become combusted by its close proximity to the Sun, the danger is that our plans can become overly complicated and lead to confusion and stress — ‘too clever by half’ as the saying goes. There may also be an inability to think objectively since it could be more difficult to detach one’s ego-driven interests (Sun) from the analysis (Mercury).
The Sun-Mercury conjunction occurs in the nakshatra of Satabisha (AQ 06 40 – AQ 20 00). This nakshatra is symbolized by an empty circle which may be interpreted as separateness or containment, or perhaps the division between self and other. Satabisha is often associated with truthful speech, even if it is sometimes harsh or lacking refinement and diplomatic niceties. The Sun-Mercury conjunction here would tend to emphasize this preference for truth no matter what the cost. Independence and self reliance may also take on a special significance this week as Satabisha relates to solving puzzles and mysteries and pursuing one’s desires in an economical way. I’m not sure which side that favours in the Wisconsin dispute between the state government and its unionized workers, although the emphasis on the logic of the bottom line is unmistakable.
The empty circle also has a physical correspondence and is said to represent lakes, reservoirs, and that ultimate container of all life, the sky. Perhaps there will be some noteworthy astronomical news this week as our relationship with the sky is brought into relief. The symbolism of the empty circle has also been linked to life vs. death and the treatment and research surrounding chronic diseases. The analytical power of the Sun-Mercury conjunction may be wielded constructively in this respect so there may be a greater likelihood of research breakthroughs involving medical research.
So even if we’re not particularly in the mood for heaving thinking and analysis, we may nonetheless find ourselves drawn to systems of order and evaluation as the Sun and Mercury come together. Even musicians and poets usually have to express their emotions within a given framework of notes, meters and the like. This may therefore be a good week to re-familiarize ourselves with some of the intricacies of the logical systems that surround us. Hopefully, our greater appreciation of the mental and analytical facets of the mind can bring us closer to fulfilling our desires. But I think I’ll settle for just finally figuring out how to download the latest upgrade of my anti-virus software.
Have a great week,