Remember that you may also consult the reading for the zodiac sign of your Moon and ascendant.
So for example, if your Sun is in Libra, your Moon is in Sagittarius and your Ascendant is in Virgo, then the Libra, Sagittarius and Virgo readings listed here may all have a special relevance for you. To discover the sign of your Moon and ascendant, you can cast your sidereal chart using the free calculator at
Week of January 10th
It’s time to get serious. We will get a double dose of the no-nonsense sign of Capricorn this week as the Sun and Mars both begin their transits here. Mars enters sidereal Capricorn over the weekend while the Sun will make its grand entrance on Friday. The transit of Capricorn by these two masculine, assertive planets will last until mid-February. Of special note is that Mars is exalted in Capricorn where its highest qualities of courage and leadership can manifest.
Capricorn has the reputation of being a little too serious for its own good, maybe too bound by rules and methods and overly identified with a sense of duty and responsibility. Capricorns may also be uncomfortable expressing their emotions and can sometimes lack a sense of fun-loving spontaneity in their lives. Of course, everything has its rightful place under the sun, including people who respect authority and play by the rules. In the egalitarian idealism of the 1960s, some well-meaning musicians experimented with an orchestra without a conductor. It didn’t work. As any Capricorn can tell you, someone has to be leader and we need rules and order for society to function.
This Capricorn emphasis may alert the rest of us non-Capricornians to the importance of its distinctive realm: methodical planning, rational decision-making, rules and structures, and the role of power and leadership in our lives. These days power is sometimes seen as a nasty concept. Even if one accepts its role in society, it’s something not readily discussed, much less appreciated. And yet without it, nothing would get done. You may not always get along with your boss, but the boss fulfills an important and indispensable function in the hierarchy. (OK, just hopefully not in your hierarchy.) This Sun-Mars transit of Capricorn may bring the role of the boss and authority in general into greater focus.
The risk here is that we may place too great an emphasis on the instrumental logic of our actions and forgo consideration of the emotions and feelings of those involved. Planning and action are necessary things but without a place for the emotional component, there is only a partial approach to a problem. The challenge this week — and for the next four weeks or so — will be to resist the urge to act on pure rational logic and efficiency and make some room for joyful spontaneity and the realm of human emotions.
Have a great week,
Taurus (May 15 – June 14) Two heads are better than one. With Venus strong in your 7th house this week, you may find yourself collaborating, cooperating, and just hanging out with other people more than usual. You may feel a special energy to get together with others whether for work or play and the results should be worthwhile. In fact, this may be a time where you get some first-hand benefit from other people’s luck. Caring and sharing never felt so good.
Gemini (June 15 – July 14) There are two schools of thought on human nature. One says that people are fundamentally similar wherever you go, while the other, more pessimistic view insists that people are very different and are ultimately unknowable. This week may be a time when put the latter viewpoint to the test, as you may encounter someone who is very different from you and whose motives you can’t quite figure out. This may simply be a case of taking a little more time.
Cancer (July 15- Aug 14) They say perfection is an impossible goal where human beings are concerned. We’re an inherently flawed species that only seeks perfection and never actually achieves it. Well, this could be a banner week for that perfect process as you appear to be doing everything right. Life may be moving in finely-tuned harmony here as you find the right balance between work and play, self and others, and material and spiritual realms. Of course, we know it can’t last, but then nobody is perfect either.
Leo (Aug 15 – Sep 15) There’s no defense like a good offense. As the Sun enters Capricorn this week, you may feel a greater urge to take action and confront any problems that may be lying out there. It can be a very constructive time to be sure, as you are likely more motivated than usual. The risk, however, is that you push too hard and end up making enemies and having to deal with the fallout. You may be more successful in the long run if you signal your actions first, so as to make them less surprising to others.
Virgo (Sep 16 – Oct 15) Philosophical idealism asserts that there is nothing outside the mind. Reality may be "out there" but it doesn’t have any meaning beyond what the human mind confers upon it. As the Sun and Mars enter your 5th house this week, you may develop a deeper appreciation for the intellect and to the thinking process in general. This may lead to new educational opportunities, possibly involving some fairly unorthodox or unfamiliar ideas. The mind is your fertile playground here.
Libra (Oct 16 – Nov 14) A sense of security is one of the most fundamental human needs, and yet all too often, we take it for granted. Besides the physical security of our person, financial security ranks a close second in the pantheon of needs. As Venus strengthens in your 2nd house this week, I hope you will take this opportunity to fully appreciate all the sources of financial security you enjoy. You may find a greater pleasure here through the home and land as sources of wealth — even if in a symbolic sense of that word.
Scorpio (Nov 15 – Dec 14) Scorpios are definitely on a roll here. I doubt if it was always this easy making friends and getting started on new projects, but lately this has become the norm for you. Creative efforts in particular seem to go especially well, as your have the Midas touch. What’s interesting is that you probably aren’t the least bit selfish in your goals as you take the broader view. This may be a clue for the best way forward: act on behalf of others and you will surprised how well that reflects back on you.
Sagittarius (Dec 15 – Jan 13) Money — filthy lucre or a means to happiness? As the Sun and Mars enter your 2nd house of wealth, you may become more aware of financial matters this week as you contemplate the age-old question surrounding money. I suspect you may be more oriented towards the happiness side of the equation here as you may feel a special sensitivity here. Since both of these planets are action-oriented, you may feel more restless about a money-related situation that is pushing you to act quickly. As always, balance the demands of the present with the promise of the future.
Capricorn (Jan 14 – Feb 12) It may only be the start of winter but there is reason to think that you may be coming out of hibernation this week. As the Sun and Mars enter your sign of Capricorn, you may feel a revitalization and renewed sense of purpose in life. If you’re been pondering some ideas without putting them into action, now is the time to make progress. Think of the planets as your team members: Mars will provide the raw energy while the Sun supplies the confidence and the spotlight.
Aquarius (Feb 13 – Mar 12) Is it contradictory to actively engage in peaceful solitude? As Mars moves into your 12th house, you may find yourself with a special emphasis on the joys of being far from the madding crowd, whether that be interminable meetings at work, busy family responsibilities, or the crush of the shopping mall. Even on a metaphorical level, you may find that the quiet and solitary approach works best in many situations, especially those oriented towards helping and healing.
Pisces (Mar 13 – Apr 12) "What’s in it for me?" Yes, it’s a crass sentiment, but let’s face it: the vast majority of human behaviour is guided by self-interest. It may be broadened to encompass a wider group, but there is no escape from this simple fact. As the Sun and Mars enter your 11th house of gains this week, you may find your thinking oriented towards profit and loss and cost vs. benefit. Of course, you may choose to define these terms in any way you wish: what is considered a cost now may be a benefit later.