Remember that you may also consult the reading for the zodiac sign of your Moon and ascendant.
So for example, if your Sun is in Libra, your Moon is in Sagittarius and your Ascendant is in Virgo, then the Libra, Sagittarius and Virgo readings listed here may all have a special relevance for you. To discover the sign of your Moon and ascendant, you can cast your sidereal chart using the free calculator at
Week of January 3rd
Happiness is a universal human desire. No matter how one chooses to defines it, everybody wants to be happy. Whether it is defined in terms of achieving one’s goals, or enjoying a feeling of belonging and personal satisfaction, the desire to be happy is at the root of most human activity. Despite its ubiquitousness, however, it is often elusive for many people. We cannot simply flick a happy switch and emerge into a state a joy or contentment. We sometimes actually have to work at it. It sounds almost paradoxical: we have to expend effort to achieve a state of happiness. But the demands of our busy, modern lives often distract us from our natural inclination towards joyful situations. As a result, we may have to ‘make time for ourselves’ or our families when we can relax or recharge our batteries and thereby attempt to achieve a state of contentment.
As we turn the page of the calendar and begin a new year, the stars this week offer a unique opportunity for us to reflect on the role of happiness in our lives. On Tuesday, there is a solar eclipse in sidereal Sagittarius, the sign that is usually associated with optimism and generosity. Eclipses occur when the Moon conjoins the Sun and Rahu (that’s the North Lunar Node) and often highlight periods of instability and change. Just as the light from the Sun is interrupted by the Moon to produce a shadow that crosses the Earth, so an eclipse can mark a shift in prevailing attitudes and practices and introduce new ways of thinking. Perhaps this Sagittarian eclipse may generate new ways of creating our own happiness, especially through maintaining a positive and energetic outlook within ourselves. In the end, happiness comes from within.
Coincidentally, Jupiter (optimism, wisdom) conjoins Uranus (independence, individuality) on the very same day as the eclipse, January 4. This positive combination of energies is further enhanced by a close aspect with Venus, the planet of joy and pleasure. This trio of planets therefore represents a peaking of favourable energies that can support all kinds of new projects and initiatives. It’s almost a cosmic joy fest in the sky this week, so there is no better time to contemplate the sources of personal happiness. Once Jupiter begins to separate from Uranus later in the week, we may anticipate some hangovers, so remember to take a balanced approach between work and play, and responsibility and indulgence.
A very happy, healthy and prosperous New Year to everyone,
Aries (Apr 13 – May 14) There’s no time like the present! It looks like a busy and industriousness start to 2011 for you as the planet Mercury will have you on the go for much of the week. There is a special opportunity to incorporate some new kinds of ideas here from some thoughtful sources, so do try to take advantage of solutions when they are offered. Mercury works best when it is interactive, so a little participation and feedback will go a long way.
Taurus (May 15 – June 14) Does it get any better than this? A very nice start to the new year here as everything seems to be coming up roses. You may find a renewed joy in your relationships this week as Venus is very strong in your chart right now. This is a great time to spend time with other people, whether it is with old friends and colleagues or making new ones. Money and good fortune may also flow more easily here, so don’t hesitate — go for it!
Gemini (June 15 – July 14) Less is more. This minimalist creed is a useful reminder that sometimes we are better off holding back our urge to assert ourselves in a situation so that the other person has enough room to breathe. With the solar eclipse occurring in your 7th house this week, it may be a good time to take a slower, softer approach with others in order to better adjust to any new developments. The best approach is to listen first, and then try to find some common ground.
Cancer (July 15- Aug 14) New research suggests that the happiest people are the ones who actively work with towards helping and serving others, whether the organizations be political, religious, or charitable. There’s no mystery here of course, since relationships of all kinds provide the deepest feeling of belonging and contentment. And the most amazing thing is that all this altruistic generosity towards others ends up benefiting you by making you happy in the process. Now that’s what I call a good deal.
Leo (Aug 15 – Sep 15) "I think, therefore I am." Descartes’ bumper sticker for arm-chair philosophizing was never more apt than this week as the solar eclipse occurs in your 5th house of the intellect. While eclipses sometimes have a nasty reputation, they are better seen as a kind of cosmic wake up call. This time around the flashing lights may compel you to reconsider the role of the intellect in your life. If you have been a head person, it may be time to yield some territory to the heart.
Virgo (Sep 16 – Oct 15) After food and water, shelter and a sense of security are the most fundamental human needs. With the solar eclipse falling in your 4th house this week, this may be the universe’s way of getting you to examine your current living situation. A home should provide that unique blend of relaxation and stimulation through the people and things that comprise it. As the new year begins, you find a renewed energy to enhance your surroundings and make it both more comfortable and more creative.
Libra (Oct 16 – Nov 14) Rationalists and skeptics say that luck doesn’t exist; life is all just random coincidence. Well, this week may provide some evidence to the contrary as you begin 2011 with a proverbial rabbit’s foot in your pockeet. With Venus extra powerful here, there is really some happy and fortuitous karma surrounding Libra in all matters. That solar eclipse occurs in your 3rd house of communication, so this could be a good time to present your ideas with confidence. People will be hanging on your every word.
Scorpio (Nov 15 – Dec 14) I’ve heard that a lot of people are reluctant Scorpios. It’s not a sign that gets a lot of good press. But the truth is that your intensity, passion, and sheer willpower are very desirable traits that a lot of people secretly envy. This week some of that envy may manifest publicly as you add ‘oodles of charm’ to your astrological resume. As Venus enters Scorpio this week, you are more likely to take greater pleasure in the company of others, especially those that are involved with typically feminine pursuits.
Sagittarius (Dec 15 – Jan 13) Talk about starting the new year right! As the solar eclipse occurs in Sagittarius, you are more likely to be filled a sense of self-renewal and revitalization. This may well go beyond the usual health club memberships and resolutions that quietly disappear into the depths of February. There is real sense of asserting your uniqueness here, as if you are preparing some exciting new chapter for your biography, already in progress. With all this energy for change in the air here, your best bet may be to step outside your comfort zone.
Capricorn (Jan 14 – Feb 12) What is the meaning of life? Even if this question first conjures up the Monty Python movie, there is still an opportunity this week to reflect on the role of enlightenment and the ultimate meaning of your existence. Solar eclipses in the 12th house tend to have that effect. What is interesting is that eclipses often shake things up and force us to look at ourselves in new ways. Old reliable answers to this question may be found wanting here, as new information puts it in a new light.
Aquarius (Feb 13 – Mar 12) What do you want out of life? The nature of our desires sometimes defies easy explanation, although we are sometimes clearer in our wish list. But just where do desires come from and why are we so attached to them? As the Sun is eclipsed in your 11th house of desires and gains, you may have occasion to rethink your preferences this week. If you are more materially inclined, for example, you may find that view coming into question by force of circumstance.
Pisces (Mar 13 – Apr 12) Critics say one of the casualties of our modern world is authenticity. The ubiquitousness of chain store malls and technological gizmos has made a unique individuality a little harder to achieve. That shouldn’t be a problem for you this week as you begin 2011 with gusto and a plea for independence and freedom. As the Sun is eclipsed in your 10th house here, much of this energy to assert the self will go towards re-evaluating your work and your career goals.