Remember that you may also consult the reading for the zodiac sign of your Moon and ascendant.
So for example, if your Sun is in Libra, your Moon is in Sagittarius and your Ascendant is in Virgo, then the Libra, Sagittarius and Virgo readings listed here may all have a special relevance for you. To discover the sign of your Moon and ascendant, you can cast your sidereal chart using the free calculator at
Week of December 13th
This week may highlight that always useful life skill of "thinking on your feet". Malcolm Gladwell’s book Blink focused on our innate ability to make fast judgements of people and situations, sometimes within just a blink of an eye. We often underestimate the ability of the intuitive human mind to absorb and process complex information, even when it means ignoring rational thinking. While there will always be a place for carefully weighing pros and cons, this may be a time when we choose to respond to circumstances with snap decisions and quick problem solving.
With Mercury now moving retrograde this week, there may be a special focus on our thinking process as rationality is called into question. As the planet of thinking and communicating, Mercury often provides a window onto the way we make judgments about the world around us. To be sure, Mercury’s retrograde cycle has a bit of a bad reputation as there may be a greater likelihood for unexpected events and situations to confound our best laid plans. The standard remedy here is to review past actions, double check the facts and only then move forward.
But the planets this week make this situation more complicated: Mercury is conjunct Mars, Pluto and Rahu (the North Lunar Node). The conjunction with Mars may be most telling here as it suggests that the mind will speed up as we may be compelled to solve problems quickly. There could be a risk of becoming overstimulated mentally (e.g. having a restless "monkey mind") or focusing too much on the competitive instinct and personal ambition.
So the tension here is that while we may feel the need to think our our feet and resolve questions quickly, the retrograde influence may be better served by caution and logic. This may require a balancing act that integrates quick intuition with a recognition for the need for a more systematic approach to problem solving during the Mercury retrograde cycle. But the urgency of Mars would appear to prevail here and hence we may have no choice but to concur with Holbrook Jackson who once said, "intuition is reason in a hurry."
Aries (Apr 13 – May 14) Do you believe in luck? If you’re reading this column, there’s a good chance that’s a rhetorical question! This week has all the makings of a lucky week, albeit with a twist: your luck is more likely to come from contact with someone else. Encounters with other people may be prove to be particularly beneficial and heartening this week as their luck may well rub off on you. Their world-view may give you some important hints that could give you a new perspective.
Taurus (May 15 – June 14) Encouragement comes in many forms, from a friendly and understanding conversation over a cup of tea to a blunt, tough love message from someone who knows you but wants to cut to the chase. This week may see a little more of that blunt, motivating energy in your life as you confront the naked facts. Even if it feels a little uncomfortable at first (personally I prefer the tea approach), try to make the most of the elemental energy that is around you. Reawaken your instinctual self.
Gemini (June 15 – July 14) Expect the unexpected this week. Your ruling planet Mercury is going through quite a throng of dance partners here and to top it off, it’s moving backwards. This can still be a productive time, although you may have to avoid stressful situations and doing too much. Admittedly, this is tough to do during the holiday season. Retrograde periods offer their own unique advantages, not the least of which is getting in touch with your intuitive side. Facts are sometimes not the truth, especially when it comes to people.
Cancer (July 15- Aug 14) "The bigger they are, the nicer they are." This week you may be able to test this assertion first hand as prominent people may figure in your life in some way. With the Moon transiting Pisces in the early part of the week, there’s a good chance fortune will smile on you, or least offer a reassuring grin. Of course, it may not come out of the blue. Some amount of sincere effort may be required first before the wise and wonderful cast their lot with you.
Leo (Aug 15 – Sep 15) Some say that Leos think they’re better than the rest of the us. Not true, I would say, since Leos are misunderstood. After all, somebody has to be the leader! This week has the potential for you to show off your talents and skills just to let the world know once again why you think the way you do. Your intelligence and wisdom may be more appreciated here as you offer valued input to those seeking insights. Use your experience to enlighten those younger than you.
Virgo (Sep 16 – Oct 15) Sometimes doing nothing is the hardest thing in the world. Just ask all those naturally energetic and restless people who have tried meditation. This week may see a rise in activity level and with it, a rise in tension and stress. ‘Tis the season, after all. While I could suggest taking it easy, going for long relaxing walks and yes, even some purposeful sitting, I have a feeling that life will not leave you alone this week. The planets beckon, and you may have no choice but to play. I would still advise: walk before you run.
Libra (Oct 16 – Nov 14) There’s no time like the present! Like that Zen injunction to ‘be here now’, you may find a burning desire to live in the moment as there is a fire beneath your feet. Sitting still isn’t really an option here, as you find a renewed ambition to do things your way. Libras are usually quite good about avoiding social miscues, so you may have to draw on your diplomatic skills in case your instincts get the better of you. In this case, act second and ask permission first.
Scorpio (Nov 15 – Dec 14) The universe is really pulling for you this week Scorpio. With a little effort to get your message out there, you may find a more receptive audience than you expected. Don’t just stand there basking in the applause — mingle! There could be enhanced socializing opportunities here so you could make the acquaintance of an interesting new person. Since this is the season of generosity, extending a helping hand to those in need may bring a special sense of reward.
Sagittarius (Dec 15 – Jan 13) Your renowned Sagittarian optimism may win some new converts this week, especially in the early going. Not that you’re setting up a religion or anything like that, but your ideas and approaches could gain a new respect from the people around you. All of a sudden, your input matters and people want to hear more. This could take the form of simple verbal acknowledgment or it might mean some more tangible benefits. Somebody may even buy you lunch.
Capricorn (Jan 14 – Feb 12) Read the fine print! As Mercury turns retrograde in your 12th house this week, you could be so busy and distracted that you risk missing some important details. You may be tempted to rely on intuition and snap judgments, but this is not a great planetary setup for quick thinking. Take the extra time to sit down and examine all the angles before committing yourself to a particular course of action. Developments from abroad may bring some new possibilities to light.
Aquarius (Feb 13 – Mar 12) With Mercury turning retrograde in your 11th house, you may need to practice some extra discipline with the credit cards this week. It’s not that you’re a spendthrift by nature; it’s just that the planets this week suggest that you might end up spending more than you want to. Amidst the act of generosity in gift giving, you may want to double check your lists and make sure that everything is copasetic. A little extra time in preparation before you go shopping may save you down the road.
Pisces (Mar 13 – Apr 12) It’s all about confidence. They say that as long as you believe in yourself, then others will, too, and you can get what you want out of life. Of course, you still have to make real contributions, but you are likely to enjoy the benefits of a confident disposition this week. That’s not to say that everything will go your way, but you will get noticed in such a way that affords you proper respect. Results could be another matter, however, as goals could be lost in the details.