Remember that you may also consult the reading for the zodiac sign of your Moon and ascendant.
So for example, if your Sun is in Libra, your Moon is in Sagittarius and your Ascendant is in Virgo, then the Libra, Sagittarius and Virgo readings listed here may all have a special relevance for you. To discover the sign of your Moon and ascendant, you can cast your sidereal chart using the free calculator at
Week of December 20th
The celestial highlight this week is a lunar eclipse in the sign of Gemini. As if to punctuate its importance, this occurs on Tuesday the 21st, the same date as the winter solstice. Above all, eclipses teach us about the necessity of change and the "impermanence of all created things", as Buddha succinctly put it. In a lunar eclipse, the reflected light of the Moon is interrupted and transformed by the shadow of the Earth. In solar eclipses, it is the light of the Sun itself that is blocked or interrupted by the shadow of the Moon. It is this interruption of the light that underlies the astrological belief that eclipses are harbingers of change in human affairs. Eclipses often mark periods of instability when the status quo is upset, and when new ways of thinking are undertaken. The Earth itself manifests this sudden jolt of disruptive energy as earthquakes, volcanoes, and other natural phenomena are more common around eclipse periods. Eclipses are therefore a kind of celestial wild card that compels us to reconsider our preconceptions in a new way.
On a more practical level, this lunar eclipse in Gemini may offer opportunities for the denial of self and ego. As the Sun (ego) conjoins shadowy Rahu (North Lunar Node), our usual way of expressing our self interest is more open to review and change. Since this is the season for selfless giving and generosity, we may find this influence somewhat easier to bear than it would be at other, less altruistic times of the year. The Moon’s conjunction with Ketu can open our emotional lives to new and unfamiliar feelings and experiences. Since the eclipse occurs in Gemini, our rational thinking process may interpreted more in terms of our emotional needs rather than simple binary yes/no or either/or type thinking. Since communication will also be affected by this Gemini eclipse, we might also expect that holiday get togethers could feature some fairly interesting and intense dinner conversations.
Have a great week,
Aries (Apr 13 – May 14) One of the lessons of the theory of evolution is that human beings survived and thrived not through strength or even brains necessarily but through their ability to adapt to changing circumstances. As the lunar eclipse activates your third house this week, you may experience your own personal Darwinian moment as you may be called upon to be flexible and act quickly. A determined attitude is definitely a plus here, as is a recognition that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. When you act, act for the good of all.
Taurus (May 15 – June 14) When I was a kid, one of best things about Christmas was the prospect of receiving money and gifts from doting aunts, uncles and grandparents. As a child, one has few obligations but many pleasant opportunities for gains. Ah, such were the joys! As the eclipse touches your second house this week, you may recapture something of that childhood experience as the gifts you receive may surprise you in their generosity. Even if your cup runneth over here, remember that giving actually makes you happier.
Gemini (June 15 – July 14) How much coffee do you need to wake up in the morning? For most people, mornings without a cup of java is a recipe for life moving in slow motion. With the lunar eclipse occurring in Gemini this week, you may be on the receiving end of a kind of cosmic-sized espresso. This may be more than a simple boost of energy, but rather a wake up call to action. Let this eclipse power surge fuel your ambitions and help you turn impulses into actions, and actions into results.
Cancer (July 15- Aug 14) What’s the real meaning of Christmas, Charlie Brown? As the lunar eclipse hits your 12th house of enlightenment and spirituality, you may find this reference to that childhood cartoon character more poignant than usual. It is not just that you will renew your interest in the spiritual origins of the holiday, but the eclipse may introduce a new wrinkle into your thinking. This may be a time when you discover a greater willingness to translate the ancient lessons into contemporary practice.
Leo (Aug 15 – Sep 15) What’s behind door #2? Curiosity is one of the driving forces in all of human history — and that includes 1970s US game shows — and you could well be more captivated than usual with a desire to discover the answer to all those nagging questions. The strength of Rahu this week suggests that the desire for novelty may trump most considerations for routine, tradition and even propriety. A good rule of thumb might be to follow your instincts until your intellect taps you on the shoulder.
Virgo (Sep 16 – Oct 15) A generation ago, people used to stay in one career and even one job for their entire working lives. Nowadays people are not only changing jobs with greater frequency, but they may wind up having several completely different careers. As the lunar eclipse energizes your 10th house this week, work issues are likely to figure more prominently as you ponder your own career trajectory. This is a great time to harness all your Virgoan analytical skills and raise your game.
Libra (Oct 16 – Nov 14) The pace of technological and social change has never been faster and threatens to undermine the rightful place of older generations in our society. As the lunar eclipse highlights your 9th house, you may feel a bond with tradition and your antecedents more deeply this week. This could be a time to reconsider the importance of tried and true knowledge in your life and renew your attachment to it. Whether its attending The Messiah or buying your favourite uncle a drink, respect takes many forms.
Scorpio (Nov 15 – Dec 14) New studies suggest there might be something to ESP after all. Of course, most people already acknowledge some place for the role of intuition and extra sensory perception, as we have all experienced uncanny coincidences or perhaps dreams that have revealed some future event. As the lunar eclipse occurs in your 8th house of obscure or hidden phenomena, you may have your intuitive side operating at full capacity this week. That’s not to say that you’ll suddenly be reading people’s minds, but it is an opportunity to learn in new ways.
Sagittarius (Dec 15 – Jan 13) Do people change? Cynics would say they don’t because the essence of the person is fixed, but optimists insist that it is human nature to improve oneself. As the lunar eclipse lights up your 7th house this week, you may find yourself thinking about relationships in a new way. Perhaps this takes the form of reconsidering the way you interact with other people in general. It may also entail partners and friends making that change for the better in an act of re-invention.
Capricorn (Jan 14 – Feb 12) Genius is the ability to hold two contradictory ideas in mind at the same time. As the lunar eclipse occurs in your 6th house, you may access a special ability to make sense of some contradictory or ambiguous information this week. This may involve resolving or mediating conflict between people in your life, or it could mean that your problem solving abilities will be put to the test. Eclipses are often times of novelty, so your best strategy may be to toss the instructions and think outside the box.
Aquarius (Feb 13 – Mar 12) The holidays are a time to re-connect with family and friends and often to revisit our own childhood memories of the season. As the eclipse activates your 5th house this week, children and childhood may figure more prominently as you gain new understanding of that early stage of life. While our own childhood experiences remain fixed in the past, our interpretation of them can undergo substantial development. This is a great time to be inspired by all notions of childhood — past, present and future.
Pisces (Mar 13 – Apr 12) No matter how intelligent or wealthy we are, our ultimate source of happiness is rooted in our emotional make-up. A resilient and flexible emotional profile is an important part of a fulfilled life. As the eclipse lays claim to your 4th house this week, your emotional maturity will be highlighted. This is therefore a time when you may be called upon to reflect on all the sources of happiness and comfort in your life. While events and people may lie beyond our control, it is our reactions to them that are entirely within ourselves.