Remember that you may also consult the reading for the zodiac sign of your Moon and ascendant.
So for example, if your Sun is in Libra, your Moon is in Sagittarius and your Ascendant is in Virgo, then the Libra, Sagittarius and Virgo readings listed here may all have a special relevance for you. To discover the sign of your Moon and ascendant, you can cast your sidereal chart using the free calculator at
Week of December 6th
Actions speak louder than words. While thoughts and beliefs may form our interior personality, it is through action that we assert ourselves upon the world. In this way, action is rooted in the ego: what do you want, and how will you go about getting it? Ego is sometimes a dirty word in our age of enlightened "political correctness", and yet even the most altruistic and humanitarian impulses must come from the ego. Whether we take action to help someone in need or to assert our views in the face of opposition, we are expressing our own unique will to exist.
The notion of action and its objectives may be front and center this week as Mars conjoins Rahu (aka the North Lunar Node) in Sagittarius in a rare four-planet alignment alongside Mercury and Pluto. Mars is the planet of action par excellence as it reflects human will and the drive to express oneself in the world. Executive power and leadership ability flows largely from Mars, as many political and military leaders have strongly placed Mars in their horoscopes. The conjunction of Mars with Rahu this week emphasizes the motivations behind our actions. Rahu is a planet that enjoys testing boundaries as it often rejects tradition and the status quo in favor of novelty.
So the combination of the assertiveness of Mars with the novelty-seeking quality of Rahu could translate into an urge to express oneself with less regard to consequences. In some situations, this sense of urgency may occur out of a genuine desire to make good on your intentions. If taken too far, however, this can result in an excessively critical approach that does more harm than good. As the English physicist Isaac Newton once famously stated: for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. We all want to make our own unique contribution, but we are better off in the long run if it takes into account the interests and sensitivities of those around us.
Aries (Apr 13 – May 14) "Necessity is the mother of invention." You may find yourself confronted with new and unusual circumstances this week that test your belief system and compel you to think on your feet. Sometimes our most deeply held assumptions about the world need to be revisited from time to time just to remind us how important they are in our lives. New situations may require new solutions, or least an upgrade to Life Philosophy 2.0.
Taurus (May 15 – June 14) The pace of life may be picking up here, and it’s likely not just due to the usual holiday get-togethers. With Venus in aspect to several planets this week, you may find yourself the center of attention or least pretty close by. Communication will become more important as you seek to lay the groundwork for future activities. The objective here will be to undercover missing information that you may not have thought of before. The best strategy will be through working cooperatively with those who share a common interest.
Gemini (June 15 – July 14) Nietzsche once remarked that art existed so that we would not perish from the truth. Well, things needn’t be quite that serious, but with Venus strong in your horoscope this week, you may be in a better position to enjoy both art and companionship in its many forms. It could be in a new-found appreciation of the inherent beauty of the world, or it could be in the beauty of friendship and the ‘living art’ you find in the people in your life.
Cancer (July 15- Aug 14) As the old saying goes, "you gotta serve somebody". No matter how independent and self-actualized we may be, there is usually no getting around the fact that there are forces outside us that we have to answer to, and homages we have to pay. While these can take many forms from spiritual deities to secular authority figures, some of the most powerful reminders of our need to serve come from those around us in our own communities. As Mars and Mercury transit your 6th house this week, you may have an ideal opportunity to perform a service when it counts most.
Leo (Aug 15 – Sep 15) Your inner lion is roaring with enthusiasm this week. As half the solar system congregates in your 5th house here, you may have an extra reservoir of creative energy to put some ideas out into the world. Even if you’re brimming with natural charisma, this is a good time to rely on your wits and intelligence as you will find better results after the use of some brainpower. Bonus points for originality and cleverness, as the tried-and-true may not enjoy the same curb appeal.
Virgo (Sep 16 – Oct 15) A basket of abundance may greet you this week, at least on a metaphorical level. How much is enough? There is no fixed answer to that question since our needs change with our situation as well as on our outlook. With Venus taking a front seat in your horoscope this week, you may find yourself reassured and pleasantly surprised by your sense of comfort and wealth in all forms that it may take. The greatest source of wealth may be found in the people who share our lives.
Libra (Oct 16 – Nov 14) Cooperation is all well and good, but sometimes you have to do things yourself. As your 3rd house fills up with a veritable duck soup of planets, there is no better time to take action according to your own plan and do what needs to be done. Obviously, we’re not talking about aggressively foisting one’s views on a reluctant audience. That wouldn’t serve any purpose. But there is definitely a lot of room here for a considered course of action that is yours and yours alone.
Scorpio (Nov 15 – Dec 14) They say talk is cheap but when it’s done right, talk can also be a source of money and security. The gathering of planets in your 2nd house this week suggests that the notion of money and communication will somehow figure prominently. Perhaps you talk your way of trouble using your very best Scorpionic instincts. Or someone tells you about a potentially beneficial new program at work. Whatever it may be, it could come from an unexpected source or be delivered in a curious or arresting way
Sagittarius (Dec 15 – Jan 13) Congratulations, Sagittarius. There seems to be an exceptionally large planetary convention taking place in your sign this week. With half the solar system transiting your sign here, you may find yourself in the middle of a lot of different kinds of activity either by accident or by design. Your aptitude for delivering impartial and supportive advice on all ethical matters will be high demand here. You are also more likely to reap some rewards from past efforts, even the painfully earnest ones. Now that’s some good karma.
Capricorn (Jan 14 – Feb 12) Is knowledge its own reward? Learning and gaining knowledge can open new avenues of understanding that are enormously rewarding on a personal level. But the emphasis this week may well be that knowledge assumes a more tangible form. That’s not to say that it will all come down to money, but the strong presence of Venus this week may bring new or possibly unusual rewards in exchange for your experience and wisdom.
Aquarius (Feb 13 – Mar 12) For hundreds of years, people that flying was impossible because airplanes were heavier than the air. The moral of the story here is that every idea goes through a phase when it is ridiculed and rejected. This week may be the time when you see something like this play out as you research and experiment with some unexpected or offbeat solutions to pressing problems. What seems to be unusual or strange at first glance may lead you in the right direction.
Pisces (Mar 13 – Apr 12) The subtitle this week might well be: I work, therefore I am. Workplace issues are likely to figure more prominently here, and if the planets are any indication, things could be quite hectic. That is not to say that there will be pressure exactly, but you may find it tough to hide away and take it easy far from the madding crowd. If bosses are getting you down by their inexplicable behavior, you can seek solace through your common interest with fellow workers.