Remember that you may also consult the reading for the zodiac sign of your Moon and ascendant.
So for example, if your Sun is in Libra, your Moon is in Sagittarius and your Ascendant is in Virgo, then the Libra, Sagittarius and Virgo readings listed here may all have a special relevance for you. To discover the sign of your Moon and ascendant, you can cast your sidereal chart using the free calculator at
Pleasure, knowledge and cooperation are all highlighted this week as Venus and Jupiter are especially strong. On Friday the 19th, there will be a very rare double direct station of Venus (harmony, social interaction, pleasure) and Jupiter (knowledge, expansion, advice). This means that both planets will end their retrograde cycles and resume their normal forward motion on the same day — very unusual! These planetary stations usually confer a special power to planets since they are moving very slowly. Since both Venus and Jupiter are considered benefic, fortunate energies, they are more likely to confer a positive influence to projects and initiatives that are begun this week. Needless to say, any children born this Friday may well grow up to be skillful diplomats or counselors. The symbolisms of Venus and Jupiter blend in a very complementary way and enhance mutual understanding and empathy. There is also the greater likelihood for disagreements and disputes to be settled in a constructive manner.
Saturn remains in the picture this week through its full-strength Vedic aspect of both Mercury and Mars in Scorpio. Lest we all get carried away by the indulgent pleasures of this Venus station, the Saturn aspects here underscore a need for focused thinking and disciplined action. Spontaneity may therefore not be the best approach here as Saturn often prefers plans that cover off on all the details. When Saturn’s influence is ignored and actions are taken without proper preparation, situations are more apt to go awry, or we may only perceive its demands as a burden. Once we play learn to play by Saturn’s rules, then we are "free" to achieve what we desire. It may not be freedom in the conventional "do-whatever-you-want" sense of the word, but it may better reflect social and karmic reality. Since human beings are social animals, individual freedom still requires some kind of compromise and accommodation with the wider social group.
Aries (Apr 13 – May 14) You may find yourself with your nose to the grindstone here, especially early in in the week. But nothing bad ever came from a little hard work. Amidst all the work demands, there will be opportunities for learning and sharing here that should make all your efforts worthwhile. A young person may provide a fresh perspective that makes you look at things in a new way. As always, an open mind is its own reward.
Taurus (May 15 – June 14) With your ruling planet Venus turning direct this week, you may enjoy a renewed sense of well being and a desire to reach out to those in need. Your charm and natural glow will rarely be stronger so it may be a good time to apply your powers of persuasion to situations that may require some attention. Time spent in the service of others will yield tangible benefits down the road and intangible feel-good benefits right now.
Gemini (June 15 – July 14) Geminis are often at their best when they are freely brainstorming ideas without regard for form or function. But with Saturn in play this week, you may have to slow down your thought processes a bit. All those creative leaps of imagination are still useful but they may fare better if they are directed towards specific ends. In other words, embrace the rules and you will come out ahead.
Cancer (July 15- Aug 14) With Saturn in focus this week, you may feel particular benefit in planning and organizing your life. Reminders, to-do lists, and day planners all serve their necessary purpose to get things done and help us avoid becoming overwhelmed by our responsibilities. This will definitely be a good week to take stock and prioritize your goals. Be careful not to take the cost-benefit analysis too far, however, and remember that people are not things.
Leo (Aug 15 – Sep 15) As the Sun enters sidereal Scorpio on Tuesday, you may feel a sudden burst of energy and enthusiasm. With your new-found vitality, you may seek out situations that allow greater expression of your own intuitive ideas and actions, and the sooner the better. Malcolm Gladwell’s "Blink" may hold a special appeal as you become frustrated or bored with complex explanations. But a little patience goes a long way.
Virgo (Sep 16 – Oct 15) Ever wonder what note is between C and C#? There is a note there of course — or more specifically a sound frequency — but western music chooses not to formally recognize it. The structure of western musical scales reminds us of the need for order and organization in the production of all things. We can still act as we wish and improvise freely but it’s important not to lose sight of the foundational rules that lie behind our choices. You may reap the benefits of acting according to a set plan this week.
Libra (Oct 16 – Nov 14) As Venus returns to direct motion this week, you have a special opportunity to shine here. Getting noticed in a crowd will never be easier, and feel free to expound on all manner of topics as your audience will be in the palm of your hand. Your innate Libran ability to connect and charm other people will be on show especially toward the end of the week.
Scorpio (Nov 15 – Dec 14) The biography of George W. Bush came out this week and emphasized his role as a decision maker, or as he once put it, "the decider". This week could see your decision-making abilities highlighted as you weigh the proverbial pros and cons. Recently, you may have felt burdened by obligations and by less than optimal circumstances. But as Mars slowly emerges from Saturn’s aspect this week, you may enjoy a renewed sense of empowerment from your decisions. Decide away!
Sagittarius (Dec 15 – Jan 13) Jumping Jupiter! This could be a week where you actually live up to that overworked image of the idealistic and optimistic Sagittarius. As Jupiter once again returns to direct motion on Friday, you may find your ideas gaining traction among a more interested audience. If you have been uncertain about taking a new approach, this could be a good time to give it a try. As always, you may be best served when you include the needs of all.
Capricorn (Jan 14 – Feb 12) With all this Saturn activity this week, there may be grounds for optimism, even if it is the tempered, almost apologetic Capricornian variety. Benefits are more likely to come your way where you invoke higher ideals and the more respected forms of knowledge. This perhaps leaves out "eeni-meeni-miny-mo" as a useful strategy to say nothing of buying lottery tickets, or playing online poker. Nonetheless, gains can flow here when teamed up with a good dose of intelligence.
Aquarius (Feb 13 – Mar 12) As Jupiter turns direct in your sign this week, you may feel a wave of self-confidence wash over you. This is an excellent time to harness all those good "me" vibes and put them to practical use in the workplace. In keeping with the best side of Aquarius, your actions stand a better chance if they incorporate some element of the wider social good. Self-confidence is a wonderful thing, but it produces the best results when it acknowledges "other-confidence."
Pisces (Mar 13 – Apr 12) By Jove — I think you’ve got it! With Jupiter resuming its direct motion on Friday, you may experience a much-deserved respite from any trials and tribulations that may have befallen you in recent weeks. Not to say that all will be right with the world, but you may find new sources of hope and optimism about the future. Perhaps you will tap into the k