Remember that you may also consult the reading for the zodiac sign of your Moon and ascendant.
So for example, if your Sun is in Libra, your Moon is in Sagittarius and your Ascendant is in Virgo, then the Libra, Sagittarius and Virgo readings listed here may all have a special relevance for you. To discover the sign of your Moon and ascendant, you can cast your sidereal chart using the free calculator at
Week of November 22nd
Belief is at the root of most human action. In our spiritual lives
, our beliefs that guide us through the ethical and existential challenges that confront us every day. But our rational mind is no less dependent on a notion of belief. While we use facts and logical planning before taking a particular course of action, but we still have to believe that we are following the correct course of action. How to decide what is the right path to follow? Listing of pros and cons can only take us so far; at bottom, every action is ultimately a leap of faith. This week’s theme could be summed up in the term "active belief".Jupiter is the planet of wisdom and higher intelligence that is closely associated with our various belief systems, whether they be religious, ethical or political. But this week Jupiter comes under the square aspect of Mars, the planet of action and raw energy. Mercury is also in the mix here through its close conjunction with Mars, so there may be an added desire to communicate our beliefs. On the positive side, this combination can generate enthusiasm for new ideas and boost activity levels that were previously flagging. Persuasion and cajoling may be more in evidence as those adhering to different belief systems may seek to espouse the benefits of their views to those around them. This could therefore be a good time to pitch an idea to an unsuspecting or skeptical audience. A little confidence can go a long way in this respect, just enough to get you out there so that people pay attention to you. Tapping into your sense of leadership may also be particularly rewarding.
Since Mars is sometimes an unpredictable and untamed energy, the Mars-Jupiter aspect can lead to excesses. Jupiter’s penchant for moderation may therefore be in short supply here as Mars urges a more extreme or urgent outlook. This could translate into excessive spending and impulse buying (Happy Day After Thanksgiving!), and conflict over worldviews and life philosophies. No matter how correct you may think your beliefs are, try to refrain from forcing your opinions onto others. Beliefs are anchored in our unique life experience, and unless someone else grew up the same way you did, you have to make allowances for those different life experiences. So let Mars help you put your ideas and assertions out into the world, but don’t let them run roughshod over innocent bystanders.
Aries (Apr 13 – May 14) Hold on tight, Aries, because the ride is only just beginning. You may find yourself with boundless energy to get things done and start all manner of new projects this week. Go for it! The Mars-Jupiter aspect will light a fire under your feet that will surely shake off Saturn’s shackles. Every new idea needs a good dose of passionate idealism before it can be brought into reality. You may be at your persuasive best here, but do take the time to address all concerns of those around you.
Taurus (May 15 – June 14) With Venus now resuming its direct motion, you may find greater need to express your nurturing side. Taureans are typically appreciative of the role of comforts and pleasure in life, so you may have an opportunity to share this with others. A small gift or just a reassuring phone call can do wonders to make someone else feel more comfortable, especially if they have been under stress. Partners are more likely to succeed or be in the limelight and this is more likely to reflect back upon you.
Gemini (June 15 – July 14) If you’ve been mired in a defensive posture recently, buck up. This week looks like it will lighten your load as Mercury escapes from the influence of astro-baddies Saturn and Mars. Relaxing may be the most natural reaction to this new state of affairs, especially after Wednesday when Mercury enters Sagittarius. You may feel a renewed interest in your fellow man (and woman) as the previous need for getting things done is pushed aside for getting in touch.
Cancer (July 15- Aug 14) As Mars strengthens in your 5th house, your keen intellect will likely get a workout this week as you assess risks and rewards and pursue the trail of evidence. There could be some special role for mystery in your life here, with you playing the role of the indefatigable detective. Of course, there will be the usual number of blind alleys and wild goose chases, but these will only enrich the path towards a fuller, truer knowledge. Children will be a source of optimism and inspiration.
Leo (Aug 15 – Sep 15) Learning and education may come into focus now as your 4th house is highlighted this week. Even outside of a formal program, we are always learning something new whether it is refining what we already know or branching out into completely new areas. Whether this the week you start to study Italian or discover a useful new website, you may be more likely to recognize its practical advantages rather than pursuing knowledge for knowledge sake.
Virgo (Sep 16 – Oct 15) As Mercury reaps some Jupiterian benefits here, this may be a time where you spread your wings a little. If you’ve been feeling a bit too much like a hamster on a wheel lately, there may be a chance for you to escape the cage. Learning some new ideas and skills may be just the ticket to liven things up as you awaken to a whole new world of possibilities. Changes involving work are also likely to be in your long term best interests, even if unexpected.
Libra (Oct 16 – Nov 14) Venus has been good to you lately, and there’s no reason for it to stop now. While the spotlight may not shine as brightly this week, money matters may be more likely to sort themselves out. If spending has been constrained, then it may flow more easily. Financial statements are more likely to bring good news and increase your sense of financial security. You may be in a better position to give to those in need. Scorpio (Nov 15 – Dec 14) Your burning ambition was never brighter this week, but just make sure there is a fire extinguisher close at hand. Your intensity and stamina may be off the charts there, so this is a great time to get out there and press the flesh and do what is necessary to turn your ideas into reality. But do remember that Rome wasn’t built in a day and that the best ideas are ones that have benefits for all. If your persuasive strategies take this into account, then the sky is the limit.
Sagittarius (Dec 15 – Jan 13) As Jupiter is aspected by Mars this week, you may feel a renewed vitality and urge to act upon your beliefs and assumptions. This energy to express one’s beliefs is the essence of a healthy ego but make sure your ideas are not falling on deaf ears. In more practical terms, activity levels may rise this week as you feel the need to get out and about. The Mars influence may also mean that males, especially active or martial ones, take on a more prominent role.
Capricorn (Jan 14 – Feb 12) As Mercury enters your 12th house this week, your immediate interests may shift towards hidden or ethereal realms. Your usual Capricornian focus on the practical will still be there but you may take a special interest in areas that fall outside of the mundane everyday world. Foreign or offbeat ideas and people may hold a special allure here, especially as they provide insight into some nagging questions. While the answers are unlikely to be simple or straightforward, you may still find some measure of progress.
Aquarius (Feb 13 – Mar 12) Let your curiosity lead you to new discoveries this week. If you’ve been facing situations that have been tough to understand, it might be worthwhile doing some digging this week. A little research into some unexpected or unusual places may reap some dividends. Since Mercury moves in your 11th house of gains midweek, you are more likely to find some useful answers that both illuminate and benefit.
Pisces (Mar 13 – Apr 12) This may be a good time to shift gears and move into action mode. If you’ve been spending time planning, researching and thinking, the Mars influence here may give you the needed push to put everything in motion. Of course, with every new project there is a risk of complications, headaches, and yes, even failure. But every risk carries with it the possibility of success and reward. Just make sure that risk-loving Mars isn’t running the show here and you’ve still got Jupiter’s sense of proportion and wisdom guiding your hand.