Remember that you may also consult the reading for the zodiac sign of your Moon and ascendant.
So for example, if your Sun is in Libra, your Moon is in Sagittarius and your Ascendant is in Virgo, then the Libra, Sagittarius and Virgo readings listed here may all have a special relevance for you. To discover the sign of your Moon and ascendant, you can cast your sidereal chart using the free calculator at
Week of November 29th
The notion of the unknown occupies am almost paradoxical place in the human psyche. On one hand, we have an innate curiosity to expand our knowledge of the world around us. Knowing more is an inherently good thing and improves the quality of our lives. The unknown is a lure that can entice us to seek out new experiences. This is no doubt why mysteries are such an enduring genre in movies and books: seeking and obtaining knowledge is part of what makes us human. And yet, the unknown is also as a source of fear and insecurity. We take comfort in the familiar and tend to avoid what we don’t know. People and things that fall outside of our daily world may arouse suspicion and discomfort. Sometimes it is too much trouble to break out of routines or we may make hasty or incorrect judgments about things we may not know. There is a delicate balance between seeking new knowledge and taking comfort in the familiar.
This week may bring our relationship with the unknown into sharper relief. Mercury, the planet of thinking and the intellect, approaches a conjunction with Rahu (aka the North Lunar Node) and Pluto in Sagittarius. Rahu is a planet most associated with the unknown. It symbolizes people and things that are seen as unusual or foreign to our everyday experience. Rahu also has the connotation of breaking down barriers or dissolving the status quo. Research and innovation are frequently connected with Rahu since it implies seeking new knowledge that lies beyond the boundaries of the known. In its more negative form, Rahu may mean distortions or confusion and lead to situations of uncertainty.
The combination of Mercury with Rahu suggests that our knowledge and thinking process may come from some unusual sources this week. While there is a greater risk for confusion and a disruption of our comfort zone here, this may be a time when we are better served by our curiosity. With Pluto also in the mix this week, there may be a greater willingness to delve into mysteries and satisfy that human desire for knowledge. The Rahu influence means that the answers we find may be surprising and even a little unsettling as we are prompted to look at the world in a different way. Amidst all this searching and probing, we may arrive at a better understanding of the kinds of knowledge we need to live comfortably and thereby re-affirm our sense of security. Since this conjunction takes place in Sagittarius, some of this knowledge may involve ethical questions of right and wrong.
Aries (Apr 13 – May 14) Who’s the boss? As Mars moves into your 9th house this week, you may be dealing with authority figures in some way. Even if you are facing stiff competition, you are more likely to get noticed and find favour by demonstrating the inherent correctness of your approach. The most persuasive arguments not only give supporting facts, they also buttress their case by appealing to higher principles. If you can invoke the notion of the wise and the just, your are more likely to thrive.
Taurus (May 15 – June 14) They say relationships are all about give and take. The more enduring relationships are pretty even on this score and the ability to compromise is the key to whole thing. This week may be a time when your sense of give and take is subject to change. It may be that your expectations about stability and security are out of sync with your partner’s. What feels secure to one person may feel overly restrictive to another. A return to the familiar will soothe any differences.
Gemini (June 15 – July 14) That tall, dark, handsome stranger may prove to be a new and interesting friend. It’s not necessarily all romance this week but you could meet some new and unusual people as Mercury encounters mysterious Rahu. Don’t fall prey to shallow stereotypes and quick judgments since difference has a way of encouraging growth as long as we can get over our bias and prejudice. Expect the unexpected and relish the role of novelty in your life.
Cancer (July 15- Aug 14) "The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." This old chestnut from Confucius is a reminder of the need to start somewhere and persevere in any arduous undertaking. You could find yourself in situations that demand concentration and determination in order to achieve your goals. This may not be the best time for improvised back-of-a-napkin plans, but rather a more careful thinking through of what you want and how you can get it.
Leo (Aug 15 – Sep 15) Routines have a bad reputation. In our freedom-loving society that values creativity and spontaneity, the prospect of following an orderly routine is not exactly cause for celebration. But everything from the 24-hour clock to traffic lights are proof that rules and routine are a necessary part of life. This may be a good week for those of a Leonine persuasion to make progress through abiding by The System and paying attention to the structures that govern our lives.
Virgo (Sep 16 – Oct 15) You may find yourself taking a "walk on the wild side" this week as you encounter new situations that upset the balance and force you out of your comfort zone. But as the economist John Maynard Keynes once observed, when faced with new facts it is better to change one’s theory rather than stubbornly cling to the past. If you take it one step at a time, there is no need to feel stressed out. Virgos are known for their attention to detail, so this could be a good time to be thorough.
Libra (Oct 16 – Nov 14) Woody Allen once said that 90% of life was just showing up. In other words, determination and initiative can be overrated since most of the time we only have to keep doing what we’ve been doing and everything will come out alright. While that’s not an argument for inertia, it does put the nature of our own efforts in another light. This may be a time when your initiative moves in a more quiet, understated way as you examine what lies behind your desires and goals.
Scorpio (Nov 15 – Dec 14) Is money all a question of attitude? Can you attract money simply by wishing it? While some naively hopeful people would like to think so, this week may have other plans for you on the subject of filthy lucre. As Mars enters your second house, you may have occasion to reconsider the value of money as some old assumptions may be challenged by new developments. The best money you have may be in the bank rather than that which you spend.
Sagittarius (Dec 15 – Jan 13) Is there such a thing as too much knowledge? In the internet age, the answer may be "yes" although one may be hard-pressed to call internet content "knowledge". Your mind could get a good workout this week as Mercury’s urge to communicate and process information will increase your activity level. If things get out of hand, don’t be afraid to find the right filter to help you separate the wheat from the chaff.
Capricorn (Jan 14 – Feb 12) "You can’t take it with you". The old saying about the ultimate impermanence of material possessions may be especially poignant for you this week. Situations may prompt you to reflect on the role of money and wealth in your life. Does money bring happiness? To a point, but a lasting happiness may best be found through our relationships with other people. Reaching out to those around us are more likely to bring enduring rewards.
Aquarius (Feb 13 – Mar 12) Two heads are better than one. You may find yourself more other-directed than usual this week as work situations may compel you towards greater cooperation. A desire to go it alone excludes valuable input from people who share your aims. Why not work with them and take advantage of the best of both worlds? This is a good time to set aside any differences you might have and give priority to the task at hand.
Pisces (Mar 13 – Apr 12) "The fish" is in the house. Jupiter enters Pisces again late this week and that should have you standing tall and feeling pretty good about yourself. There’s a good chance everybody else will feel pretty good about you, too, as your leadership skills may be on display. The only risk here is that you may exaggerate your own capabilities and ignore your limitations much to the detriment of the people around you. Remember that fish can’t walk; they can only swim.