Remember that you may also consult the reading for the zodiac sign of your Moon and ascendant.
So for example, if your Sun is in Libra, your Moon is in Sagittarius and your Ascendant is in Virgo, then the Libra, Sagittarius and Virgo readings listed here may all have a special relevance for you. To discover the sign of your Moon and ascendant, you can cast your sidereal chart using the free calculator at
The emphasis this week may be on getting things done, completion and accomplishment. As I mentioned last week, Pluto will exactly conjoin Rahu this Tuesday the 9th. This conjunction will continue to animate the themes of willful transformation and clarification. The defeat of President Obama’s Democrats in the House last week can be seen as a manifestation of some of this strongly asserting energy. The American people sought to make a clear break (Rahu) with the status quo and compel (Pluto) their leaders to change direction. Of course, Obama won the presidency on a mantle of change but Rahu and Pluto have little time for the high-minded optimism of "hope and change". It’s more like "change or else", as the assertive and disruptive sides to Rahu and Pluto insinuate themselves without regard for niceties or diplomacy.
We can also see that Mars is coming under the aspect of Saturn through much of this week. According to traditional Vedic aspecting rules, Saturn in Virgo casts its full strength aspect three houses forward (60 degrees) to Scorpio. By degree, Saturn’s influence is greatest on Mars over the weekend and will aspect Mercury next week. Saturn is all about focus, structure and responsibility and when it is harnessed wisely it can be a constructive force for accomplishment and creating a sense of security in our lives. Mars is the planet of action and initiative and its aspect with Saturn this week can mean performing duties and responsibilities until their successful completion. We need Mars to get us to get up off the couch and actually start work while Saturn guides us where to apply our energy and actually ‘git ‘er done’. Saturn therefore provides the plan and Mars the manpower in this coordination of yin and yang, and start and finish.
Jupiter enters sidereal Aquarius this week and will remain there until December 4. As the planet of wisdom and justice, Jupiter in this sign emphasizes the practical side of idealism. Whereas Pisces may connote the highest ideals of ethics and knowledge, Aquarius is more down to earth, although still very committed to improving the human condition. If the Dalai Lama embodies the notion of Jupiter in Pisces, Jupiter in Aquarius is perhaps more like Mother Theresa with the emphasis on getting down to the actual business of helping others. Pisces sits on a meditation cushion, while Aquarius rolls up its sleeves. Together with the Mars-Saturn aspect, this Jupiter influence can be a complementary energy that highlights the real world and the role of tangible action in improving lives in concrete ways.
Aries (Apr 13 – May 14) As go-getting Mars comes under the influence of the taskmaster Saturn this week, you may find yourself more productive than usual. This is a great opportunity to run through a laundry list of to-dos, especially those you may have been putting off because they were unexciting, unrewarding, or just plain dull. Saturn can sometimes feel like a burden but try not to succumb to excuses or self-pity as a way of avoiding the tasks at hand. Bearing one’s responsibilities now means more fun and creativity down the road.
Taurus (May 15 – June 14) You may find yourself reflecting on relationships more than usual this week. As the conscience of the solar system, Saturn likes to remind us the nature of obligation and the ties that bind. As always, empathy is a good starting point when trying to better understand a relationship. If you feel the demands of others are too much, take a moment to value the things you share. The lessons of Saturn help us understand the benefit of the long haul and staying the course.
Gemini (June 15 – July 14) As Rahu transits your 7th house, you may find yourself keeping the company of more strangers — the stranger the better. Perhaps they hail from far away and have an intriguing accent, or perhaps they just dress oddly and espouse weird theories. Some of these encounters may give you a much needed dose of energy, even if it briefly disorients you. Remember that our comfort zone exists only to be broken, or at least blurred. We stay sharp and alert through challenge, not through habit.
Cancer (July 15- Aug 14) At bottom, humans are problem solving animals. We face problems every day and define ourselves by the way we choose to solve them. Custom and habit have their place — you can usually do things without thinking. But this week offers the rare opportunity to use some unusual or alternative techniques to great effect. While it may be unfamiliar and feel a little alien, you may find the upside in the unconventional. If in doubt, take the road less travelled.
Leo (Aug 15 – Sep 15) When you were younger, you might have questioned the establishment and the role of the moneyed classes. As a headstrong Leo, you couldn’t understand what the big deal was with status and position. Now that you’ve matured, you may be in a better position to appreciate the positive side of order and tradition. Expect order and tradition to score another point this week, and results should be quite rewarding.
Virgo (Sep 16 – Oct 15) The 17th-century poet John Milton ("Paradise Lost") used to reject the notion that the formal structure of blank verse was in any way restrictive to his art. Abiding by the rules of metering provided a channel through which his ideas flowed in a recognizable and easily communicated fashion. If you feel Saturn’s structural demands bearing down on you this week, resist the urge to break free, or worse, fall into indolent rumination. Rules exist to carve order out of chaos.
Libra (Oct 16 – Nov 14) They say actions speak louder than words but this week your words may carry a special weight to affect the people around you. How we choose to communicate can alter a situation for good or ill. An unexpected kind word can work wonders to convert indifference to sympathy, and anger to amity. By the same token, a statement made in thoughtless haste can create tension, even among friends. A cautious and considerate approach will serve you well here.
Scorpio (Nov 15 – Dec 14) If necessity is the mother of invention, you may feeling especially creative this week in doing what needs to be done. You may feel some of these tasks have an onerous quality to them, but don’t let that get you down. Your indefatigable Scorpionic drive may be harnessed more efficiently, if prosaically, here as the tortoise defeats the hare. Keeping your nose to the grindstone will yield a rich harvest soon enough.
Sagittarius (Dec 15 – Jan 13) Since Jupiter enters Aquarius this week, now may be the time to do your bit. This could mean helping someone in need and pitching in where your idealism and service can make a difference. Your goals don’t have to be overly lofty so don’t worry if you’re not inclined to follow Miss America’s desire to foster world peace. Even your work and home environments would be suitable recipients of your expansive largesse.
Capricorn (Jan 14 – Feb 12) While deliberative Saturn is sometimes an unwelcome member of the planetary club, it may actually do you some favours this week. Whether or not you are on the receiving end of some beneficent cosmic bailout will depend on how reasonable your actions have been up to this point. If you’ve been flying by the seat of your pants, then you may miss some of this opportunity. If, on the other hand, you’ve put together a decent plan and followed it prudently, then I like your chances.
Aquarius (Feb 13 – Mar 12) ‘Close encounters with the rich and famous’ might summarize some of the possibilities for you this week as Jupiter makes a very welcome arrival in your sign. You may find yourself in the company of some smart, wealthy people as your growing reputation puts you in touch with "your betters". In its more psychological (and less exciting) manifestation, this placement may simply allow you to look in the mirror and see yourself as that person of high intelligence and good manners. No matter — confidence is 90% of the game.
Pisces (Mar 13 – Apr 12) You may find yourself resisting the commonplace and the mundane as you indulge your inner seeker in a quest for ultimate truth. Well, that may be overstating things a bit but the idea here is that the realm of the obvious and familiar may come up short somehow. It may be that you find the answers in something (or someone) that lies beyond your usual stomping grounds. Or you have to look behind the facade in order find what you are looking for. Sacred are the seekers.