January 31, 2025


Tesla declines 30% as tech...

(9 September 2020) The Covid tech...

Tesla declines 30% as tech bubble bursts

(9 September 2020) The Covid tech bubble finally rediscovered the forces of gravity over the past week as big tech firms such as Apple and Tesla saw their share prices fall sharply.  Ironically -- but perhaps not surprisingly -- the high-water mark for the tech sector may have been last week's stock splits of market darlings Apple and Tesla.  Both high-flying stocks began trading the new post-split shares on Aug 31.  Tesla peaked on Aug 31 and Apple just one day later and both have suffered huge declines...

Tesla declines 30%...

(9 September 2020) The Covid tech bubble finally rediscovered the forces of gravity over the past week as big tech firms such as...

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