March 31, 2025

The stars are aligning for Vivek Ramaswamy in the GOP race

(24 August 2023)  Things have been going well this summer for GOP presidential candidate, Vivek Ramaswamy.  After launching his campaign in February, the largely unknown biotech entrepreneur has steadily risen in the polls and now places third at 7%, albeit well behind frontrunner former president Donald Trump and Florida governor Ron DeSantis.  However, he is faring better in political betting markets with listing him as having a 19% chance of winning the nomination ahead of third place DeSantis at 15%.  Perhaps most importantly, Ramaswamy is the betting favorite to become Trump’s vice presidential nominee at 23%, well ahead of second place Tim Scott at 11%.

A quick glance at his horoscope reveals the source of his heightened public profile after last night’s first Republican debate.  Ramaswamy’s 6.51 p.m. time of birth comes courtesy of astrologer Steven Stuckey, who accessed the birth certificate from county records in his birthplace of Cincinnati, Ohio.  The chart contains a number of close aspects which is often found in the charts of prominent persons. The optimistic sign of Sagittarius rises, with lagnesh Jupiter in the 2nd house of speech and wealth.  Jupiter receives no less than three close opposition aspects from Mercury, the Sun and Mars.  This is both a very energized lagnesh and 2nd house and aptly reflects Ramaswamy’s excellent speaking skills, personal dynamism and high self-confidence.  With this 2nd house focus, it is not surprising that he has become well-known on the campaign trail for persuasively articulating his views on complex and often delicate subjects.

Vivek Ramaswamy’s natal chart

Other facets of his chart are no less impressive.  Venus (15 Gemini) forms an exact 120 degree alignment with his MC, the unequal 10th house cusp, representing status and career.  The Venus influence on this career point is generally auspicious and may give Vivek a special knack for interacting with people, as Venus often confers likeability and diplomatic skills.  His Moon is unafflicted and exalted in Taurus in the 6th house.  This suggests a stable emotional nature and a willingness to serve others.  2nd and 3rd lord Saturn is exalted in Libra in the 11th house and suggests he will reap tangible benefits (11th house) from his courageous actions (3rd house) and accumulate significant wealth (2nd house) over the course of his life.

However, Vivek’s chart is not without some significant blemishes as Saturn aspects the three 8th house planets in Cancer by full-strength square aspect.  Saturn is a malefic planet, of course, although its exaltation here somewhat mitigates its negative effects.   The 8th house dispositor, the Moon, is also exalted in Taurus and thus similarly boosts the potential life influence of Mars (16 Cancer), the Sun (23 Cancer) and Mercury (25 Cancer) that reside in that house.

A strong Saturn: pros and cons

The Saturn-Mercury square is closest and heightens his ability to think analytically, especially in areas related to research (8th house).  Mercury’s rulership of the 7th house of marriage may be more troublesome, however, as the Saturn influence on Mercury could harm married life in some way.  Fortunately, the karaka of marriage/wife, Venus, is nicely placed in the 7th and may offset much of the affliction to the 7th lord.

Moreover, the strong Saturn influence on the Sun and Mars suggests that he may fare better in controlled situations.  Such strong Saturn people may be at their best with fixed schedules and clearly defined tasks.  While Vivek has made a name for himself from his ability to speak intelligently without notes or a teleprompter, the Saturn influence in his chart suggests that his job duties may need to be clearly defined as he is less likely to excel in improvised or unpredictable situations.  Together with his stable Moon in Taurus, this Saturn influence suggests he likely operates well under pressure.

GOP debate: in Jupiter’s spotlight

Ramaswamy’s star is rising this summer largely due to Jupiter.  First, he is reaping the rewards of his Jupiter dasha that began in 2022 and will run until 2038.  The Jupiter dasha is more likely to deliver positive outcomes since Jupiter is well-placed in his chart as the 2nd house lagnesh, closely aspected by Mars, the Sun and Mercury.  Secondly, transiting Jupiter (21 Aries) is about to station retrograde on September 4 in a near-exact 120 degree trine aspect to his Ascendant (22 Sagittarius).  This hugely positive influence has been building all summer and will culminate in early September.  While his success can be linked to this Jupiter station, one wonders what will happen to him once Jupiter begins to separate from that alignment after September 4.

Vivek could well begin to slip in the polls sometime in the fall due to the motion of Uranus and Saturn.  Uranus will station retrograde on August 29 at 28 Aries — exactly opposite his natal Saturn.  This suggests a possible undermining of his campaign as Uranus symbolizes surprises and reversals.  His bigger concern may be Saturn, however, which is due to station direct in November at 6 Aquarius — exactly square his Moon at 6 Taurus.  Saturn-Moon alignments are associated with isolation, sadness and disappointment, often in matters concerning the family. With Saturn moving slowly in its retrograde cycle over the next few months, this Saturn-Moon alignment could begin to damage his election prospects, especially in October and November.

Some difficult transits ahead

Looking ahead, Vivek seems likely to fare poorly in the primaries in February and March since Rahu and Ketu will align with the 4th and 10th house cusps and will therefore closely aspect the Sun at 23 Cancer.  As a rule, aspects between the lunar nodes and the Sun tend to be incompatible with career advancement.

He is also unlikely to win the VP nomination with Trump or conceivably some other candidate since Saturn will station at 25 Aquarius in a close alignment to his 10th lord Mercury (25 Cancer) in July, just in time for the GOP convention on July 18.  While this is not a full-strength Saturn aspect, the alignment is exact and thus is likely to coincide with disappointment and frustration for Ramaswamy.   Also, we can see that Rahu (15 Pisces) will aspect Mars (16 Cancer) while Mars conjoins his Moon in early Taurus at the time of the convention.  Neither are especially supportive of positive outcomes.

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