September 16, 2024

Transit Outlook — Week of 19 August 2024

(18 August 2024)  The transits this week continue to look somewhat tense.  The Jupiter-Saturn square is exact on Monday although last week’s Mars-Jupiter conjunction is now separating and could reduce the urge to act without thinking.  The blending of the often contradictory energies of Jupiter and Saturn may produce more uncertainty this week.  This could manifest, for example, as a lack of resolution about ongoing peace efforts in Gaza and a confused strategic situation in Ukraine.  It may also appear as renewed uncertainty about the direction of the global economy as indicators may show both recession (contraction) and inflation (expansion).

However, Venus is now front and center as it is resonating with the Jupiter-Saturn alignment.   The result is two simultaneous square aspects: Jupiter-Saturn, exact on Monday August 19, and Venus-Mars, exact on Thursday, August 22.  The Venus-Mars square will also be part of a larger T-square pattern due to the position of Saturn.  Venus will therefore receive two potentially stressful aspects from Mars and Saturn in the second half of the week.  This will tend to undermine social harmony generally as compromise may be in short supply in any conflict negotiations.  The Venus affliction could also see a loss of confidence in financial markets.

This double affliction to Venus could manifest as greater interpersonal conflict and an underlying state of unease and discontent.  On the plus side, the Mars influence could liven up meetings and social interaction, but there is also a higher risk of conflict.  This could also be stimulating for romantic liaisons, but with Saturn in the mix, actions may be taken out of pure self-interest.   This week’s afflicted Venus could translate into more stress and hardship for women as feminine spheres are subject to increased scrutiny. Conflict over reproductive rights may also be highlighted in some way.   All this agitated Venus energy may even spillover into troubles for prominent women such as Kamala Harris.

Friday looks like a better day for new projects or holding meetings as Venus aligns with Mercury, Mars and Chiron.  The Venus-Mercury combination looks more constructive here and is likely to offset most of the negative effects of Mars.  Mercury’s intelligence often finds a more productive outlet when it is teamed up with Venus, as ideas and decisions generate more value and social cohesion.  Friday may also be a favored day this week since the Sun aligns with the Moon, Neptune and Pluto.  When well-aspected, the Sun and Moon can signify situations of balance and wholeness.

Venus will again be in focus next weekend as it enters sidereal Virgo on Saturday, August 24.  Venus is said to be debilitated in Virgo as its intrinsic qualities become harder to manifest.  With its dispositor Mercury retrograde, this could be an even more troublesome time for any efforts at co-operation aimed at providing mutual benefit.  The Venus transit of Virgo will last four weeks until September 17.  In general, this means that harmonious interactions may require more effort during this transit.  The influence of Mercury-ruled Virgo on Venus suggests that achieving harmony may depend more on rational thought and intentional communication.  The head is therefore more likely to rule the heart during this Venus transit of Virgo.

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