February 23, 2025

Transit Outlook — Week of 9 September 2024; Presidential debate

(8 September 2024)  This week could well be split into halves.  The first half of the week has a series of somewhat tense alignments, while the second half looks more favourable.  Venus remains in a vulnerable condition as it continues its transit through sidereal Virgo, its sign of debilitation.  Venus-related matters such as women, art, luxury, and social harmony are less likely to manifest positively.  The weakened condition of Venus is more likely to exhibit negative effects when it aligns with Saturn on Tuesday and Wednesday.  While this 150-degree quincunx alignment is not a full-strength Vedic aspect, it nonetheless could increase the load burden upon Venus.

This is arguably a negative influence for Kamala Harris as she is due to face-off against Donald Trump in the presidential debate on Tuesday evening in Philadelphia.  As a candidate for the most powerful job in the world, Kamala Harris symbolizes women perhaps more than any other woman right now.  That means that the condition of Venus may reflect more directly on her fortunes.  If Venus is debilitated, then that suggests an uphill climb for her.  And if Venus is damaged by alignments with malefics like Saturn, then that could mean setbacks are more likely.  The The Moon-Saturn square at that time may also indirectly work against her since the Moon symbolizes feminine energy.  While neither of these alignments are strong direct evidence that Harris will do poorly, they nonetheless hint at possible troubles that will require her to expend extra effort to overcome.

During its transit of Virgo, Venus is disposited by Mercury. This means that the condition of Mercury also has a bearing on the overall strength of Venus.   Mercury will align with Mars on Wednesday and Thursday by a 60-degree sextile aspect.  Here again, this Mercury-Mars alignment isn’t a full-strength aspect but it is exact enough that the intense energy of Mars could create minor problems for Mercury-related matters such as communication, transportation, and trading.   At the same time, this Mercury-Mars energy could be advantageous for strategic matters against a known adversary, such as in legal affairs or military matters as the Mars influence will tend to accelerate the exchange of ideas.

Mars is again in focus on Tuesday as it reaches its point of maximum northerly declination on Thursday at 23N28.  Whereas typical planetary longitudes (e.g. Saturn at 21 Aquarius) measure a horizontal position on the ecliptic, declinations measure vertical planetary position.  It is believed that planets at their maximum declination are stronger than normal and are more likely to express their inherent symbolism.  For Mars, this means that human affairs may be characterized by greater assertions of force and energy.  Certainly, conflict and violence may be more likely here, but we should also remember that courage and determination —  the positive side of Mars —  may also manifest more readily.  As it happens, the Moon also reaches its maximum southerly declination on the same day, September 10.  This increase in energy of both Mars and Moon could exaggerate emotional responses as logic could take a temporary backseat.  The fact that the Moon will also oppose Mars on Thursday is another reason to keep a special eye on Thursday this week.  Some financial fallout is also possible from this Moon-Mars combination.

The planets would seem to improve later in the week as Venus aligns with Jupiter on Friday and Saturday.  Friday could well be the best day of the week for launching new projects and  scheduling meetings and appointments as Venus is aspected by Jupiter and the Sun and Moon form a harmonious 120 degree alignment at midday EDT.  Jupiter’s positive influence on Venus should make negotiations easier as all sides will be more willing to compromise in order to reach agreement.  Sunday, September 15 also looks quite favourable for most activities as the Moon forms a Grand Trine with Venus and Jupiter in which each planet is 120 degrees from the other two.  This alignment will be closest in the early afternoon EDT and should be a time of abundant optimism, mutual benefit, and selfless charity.

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