(10 June 2019) Nobody said that the Trump presidency was going to be boring. After threatening to impose tariffs on Mexico, US President Donald Trump appeared to get a win after a deal was struck to try to reduce the number of Central American migrants headed for the US-Mexico border. Trump’s tariff threat had caught financial markets off-guard last week, but markets quickly recovered and then extended their gains today (June 10) with news of the weekend agreement.
If anything, Trump has become more unpredictable and combative in recent weeks amid growing calls for impeachment proceedings to begin in the House of Representatives. Tariff talks with China seem to be going nowhere as the trade war has escalated further. US economic data has started to weaken as last Friday’s poor jobs report confirmed the emerging down trend in growth. A recession is looking more likely by next year which also happens to be an election year. The stock market is still close to its highs due to the jawboning from the Fed and its promise to cut interest rates if the economic uncertainty continues.
We can see Trump’s recent troubles in his horoscope. While the Jupiter station in April coincided with the non-event of the release of the Mueller report, Trump is coming under the influence of Saturn and Mars here in June. Both of these planets are malefic influences and usually bring situations of frustration, disappointment, loss and conflict.

Mars and Saturn align in opposition with each other this week and therefore both planets will exactly aspect Trump’s natal Jupiter at 24 Virgo. Mars (24 Gemini) will cast its full-strength forward square aspect (90 degrees) while Saturn (24 Sagittarius) will cast its full-strength backward square aspect (270 degrees). Jupiter symbolizes optimism, wealth, and knowledge so the double affliction this week could coincide with some major negative developments for the US president.
Jupiter’s association with wealth suggests there could be some significant fallout related to Trump’s personal wealth and investments (e.g. SDNY investigation) or even the wealth of the country as a whole since the president symbolically embodies the nation during his time in office. We should also note that Jupiter rules the 5th house relating to investing and children. Both of those areas are more likely to come under pressure in the next week or two.
Interestingly, this Mars-Saturn transit will occur exactly on Trump’s birthday on Friday, June 14. Therefore, Trump will turn 73 on a day with some extremely tense and difficult alignments. It does not bode well for his next 12 months. This is yet another reason why I think the next several months will be especially difficult for him.
Weekly Market Forecast
US stocks have rallied strongly since last Monday’s post. The entry of bullish Venus into sidereal Taurus played out as expected early in the week. The midweek proved to be more bullish than expected, however, although Friday’s rally coincided closely with the bullish Moon-Jupiter alignment.
This week has started on a positive note as the Sun aligns with Jupiter today. The effect of this alignment may not last too long, however, as the Sun slips past Jupiter and into a lesser configuration with Pluto. Meanwhile, Mars will conjoin Rahu (North Lunar Node) starting on Wednesday and through the second half of the week and then oppose Saturn late in the week. Jupiter and Neptune will be in the mix here and could offset some of the negativity of Mars, Rahu and Saturn. But there is some major bearish potential this week, especially later. Bulls should stay on their toes.
For a more detailed analysis of the markets, please check out my weekly subscriber newsletter which is published every Saturday afternoon (EST). I outline the key technical and planetary influences for US and Indian stocks for the short and medium term, as well as currencies, gold and oil.

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