March 31, 2025

War or Peace in Gaza?

(6 May 2024)  As the Israel-Hamas conflict now enters its seventh month, peace remains elusive.  Hopes for a ceasefire have been raised once again today after Hamas accepted the terms laid out in a Qatari and Egyptian deal, but Israel is formally refusing to accede to the terms, arguing that the conditions have been altered from those previously offered.   Israel is therefore still preparing to launch a full-scale attack on Rafah, Gaza’s southernmost city.   While its allies have urged restraint, Israel seems set to go into Rafah, with uncertain diplomatic and military consequences for the region.

A major player in the conflict is Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu.  Already a divisive figure in Israeli politics before the outbreak of war, Netanyahu’s prosecution of the response to the October 7 attacks is no less polarizing.   In left wing circles, Netanyahu’s cynical laissez-faire policy towards Hamas in the run-up to the war is blamed as indirectly laying the groundwork and provoking the initial attack.  His aggressive military response has also generated no shortage of criticism as some accuse him of undermining peace efforts by demanding too much from Hamas.

Wherever the truth lies, it is clear that Netanyahu’s political fate will stand or falls with the outcome of this war.  In fact, many observers feel that he will have to resign after the war ends anyway, not unlike Golda Meir in 1974 after the conclusion of the Yom Kippur War.

Not surprisingly, Netanyahu’s horoscope looks quite afflicted these days.  There is some uncertainty about his birth time as sources have cited various times from 9.30 a.m. to 11.45 a.m.  I have chosen to use the 11.45 a.m. birth time with sidereal Sagittarius rising as I think it better represents the basic contours of his life.  His three marriages seem more likely to reflect unstable Uranus in the 7th house of marriage with Venus poorly placed in the 12th house of loss, squared by Saturn and Mars.  While this double Venus affliction from Saturn and Mars is still there with the earlier timed Scorpio rising chart, the angular Uranus appears to better fit his love life.  Also his brother was killed in 1976 at a young age and that seems to better fit the close opposition aspect from Mars to the 3rd house cusp (siblings) in Aquarius as well as a wider aspect from Saturn, the 3rd house lord.  In any event, some of the basics of the chart are fairly clear even without reference to the time-sensitive angles (Ascendant and Midheaven/MC).

Netanyahu’s troubles are a manifestation of the ongoing semi-return of Saturn.  Saturn (23 Aquarius) is currently opposite its natal position (22 Leo) and underscores the heavy burdens and responsibilities he must be experiencing at this time.  Saturn transits typically block progress and make us more vulnerable to disappointment and setbacks.  His Saturn affliction arguably began back in 2023 when it stationed direct in October, just 4 degrees from an exact opposition to his natal Mars (3 Leo).  Of course, this Saturn-Mars opposition coincided closely with the Hamas attack on southern Israel on October 7.  As the war has dragged on into 2024, transiting Saturn has squared his Venus (19 Scorpio) and highlighted his ongoing stress and political isolation.  While the all-party War Cabinet still enjoys widespread support among the Israeli people, Netanhayu himself has come under increasing criticism, including from traditional supporters such as US Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and to a lesser extent, President Joe Biden.

Saturn will likely continue to cause problems for Netanyahu in the months to come.  It is due to station retrograde in late June at 25 Aquarius and then once again form an exact opposition in August.  It will make its third and final opposition in January 2025.  With the Saturn affliction continuing through the rest of the year, Netanyahu is unlikely to emerge unscathed from the war, even if Israel is the “victor”, however defined.

In the short run, he could suffer some kind of defeat or failure as disabling Ketu conjoins his 10th house Mercury (leadership), while Mars opposes it and Mercury opposes his Sun around May 13.  The next 5 to 10 days therefore seem more difficult in this respect.  Ketu-Mercury conjunctions suggest sudden developments that may undermine his authority or reflect radical changes in his thinking.  And yet, the Jupiter-Uranus-Sun conjunction in the middle of May will align closely by 5th house/120 degree aspect with his natal Jupiter at 0 Capricorn.  That seems quite constructive as if there would be a lessening of tension and sense of reward or gain.  What could these apparently contradictory alignments represent?  Ironically, they could  mean a ceasefire deal, especially one that Netanyahu may not really want but is forced to accept by Biden or others in his cabinet.  However, it could also signify renewed war concerns, as if his ultimate plans to wipe out Hamas have gone awry somehow.  I would lean towards a peace deal, but with uncertain future prospects.

The Israel horoscope (May 14, 1948, 4.00 pm) suggests that some kind of peace deal may be more likely.  The original October 7 attacks offer strong evidence for using the 4.00 pm time for Israel as the Mars-Ketu conjunction was just 1-2 degrees from the Ascendant at 0 Libra and exactly square the MC/IC (10th and 4th house cusps).  Pluto (3 Cancer) was just one degree from the IC/4th house cusp.

But today’s developments suggest that the conjunction of Jupiter (2 Taurus) to the Sun (0 Taurus) may be significant in securing peace or at least a temporary ceasefire.  Jupiter transits are usually found in favourable circumstances where “right thinking” prevails over vengeance, self-interest or erroneous judgment.  While the Jupiter-natal Sun conjunction is a bit past exact here, it is still close enough to have a positive impact in the coming days as Uranus (28 Aries) brackets the involvement of the Sun.  Thus, the Jupiter-Uranus-Sun alignment suggests sudden wins and rewards, especially in matters of government and authority, as seen by the Sun.  While the current peace agreement proposal may not be immediately interpreted as a “win” for Israel, it likely would turn out to be a victory since enough of the Hamas military has been eliminated that attention could now be directed towards a post-Hamas-ruled Gaza.

Next week’s more exact conjunction of the Sun to Uranus and Jupiter will highlight Israel’s Sun and seems quite positive.  Another military victory is certainly possible but somehow seems less likely with this Jupiter-based alignment.  Instead, a negotiated deal seems more likely.   While the situation is very changeable, the planets are suggesting there is a genuine opening for a durable ceasefire.  In any event, Israel’s fortunes looks quite good overall from this triple conjunction of the Sun, Uranus and Jupiter.

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